Iannini - Vespa Corporation
http://www.politikon.it/modules / news / article.php? storyid = 1049
Mom. In '90
passes Mammi law, which should clear up the TV system with its antitrust ceilings. The lobby
Berlusconi manages to get an antitrust "photographers" the trust of the Knight, which will keep its three channels (Law Polaroid). To protest the Left Democrats withdrew their ministers from the five Andreotti government that replaces them in one night. The law requires the Fininvest
only two constraints: the Newspaper and sell shares over 10% of Tele Tele +1 and +2. Berlusconi immediately around them, passing the newspaper to his brother Paul is made out of surplus allowances to various pay TV dummy.
Soon after Mom, between 1990 and '91, Fininvest versa through All Iberian Craxi on two Swiss bank accounts of about 23 billion lire. The Rome prosecutor suspected
also a matter of bribes in exchange for the Ministry of Posts - suspected - the mother and the frequency plan.
Man-key, according to the indictment, is a young man of 34 years, David Giacalone, formerly secretary of the Minister Oscar Mammi, considered the true author of the law on and immediately hired a consultancy to Fininvest from 600 million.
end up under investigation as Gianni Letta and Adriano Galliani, the prosecutor Maria Cordova asked to arrest them both, but the investigating judge Augusta Iannini, wife of Bruno Vespa abstains because Letta is a "family friend".
The chief investigating judge Renato Squillante passes the practice to another judge, De Luca Comandini, rejecting both claims of capture. Iannini
The bug will be caught in a bar in the manhole, January 21 '96, accompanied by Squillante and Vittorio Virga, attorney Giacalone, Paolo Berlusconi and Letta. Now heads the Ministry of Justice.
The investigation ended in a stalemate. Vizzini and Mom acquitted by the Court of Ministers.
Letta and Galliani by the investigating magistrate. Giacalone
partly fulfilled, partly prescribed.
mom has recently told a visit on the eve of the Knight of the law: "He joked, he was beaten, tried to win my sympathy. Then I will knelt and kissed his hand, he said
"Please, minister, do not spoil me and my family". "
by http://www.grandeoriente.it/Rastampa/2001/0224AGICordova.htm
Freemasonry: the maxi-closed investigation Cordova