Sunday, August 12, 2007

Dragonball Doujinshi -z


This blog is born to publicize the activities of the Association of Women's Right Childhood, a time still major abuses against these two groups. UN Resolution for Human Rights, the UN Children's Convention, both of Italy undersigned there to tens of years, much of DEFENDING misfatti committed daily against women and children in countries civilians suspected as Italy the European Convention on Human Rights, national laws (civil and criminal) are defending the same abuses Because then ogno kind of abuse is committed indisturbato? Perchè Italian judicial system is DISFUNSIONALE, or ne'efficente ne'efficace in practice by hiding behind the comfort of ALIBI absence of a sufficient number of pr3posés the "machine" judicial, but in reality with confidence about the absence of controls THERE TO, WHAT IT SEEMS What where you find yourself with d a woman and / or a child the children are all equal. They belong to the human razza. It is no difference, science speaks with clear intent. The only way to destroy razza efficient and Ultimately this is racist. And this is possible today. Anyone who commits a crime against a woman and / or a child, a racist foundation (eg exploiting the child work or leave that innocent child live like wild animals just because of etnia divertor is citabile trial Meadows INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL TRIBUNAL AJA and if this were not enough, even the United States where vigono harsh penalties for which he is abusing children. The trial may be requested in a very direct and little account if the facts did not occur in Usa in the absence of suitable measures in the state concerned may ask that trial be held in any other state with which Italy TIGHT TO AGREEMENTS promozionale inherent RESPECT HUMAN RIGHTS AND CHILDHOOD ABUSE a child means even abandoned without timely intervention, as they do for the former town of milan and varied other (think of the saddles just killed 4 children burned alive in a shack in Tuscany), also knowing that they are entrusted to people unable to hold him in her aptly Or conniving exploitation of children as avvine in Lombardy where they are left to ask elemosina guards ATM, in primis, and people DUTY WITH CIVIL RESPONSABILITA'PÉNAL And if they do NOT (FAILURE TO Succor and concealment of the INFAZIA FOR OPERATING ACCATTONAGGIO) MUST notify the police and carabinieri this, just to verify qu'allerteranno the juvenile court. Otherwise they are accomplices and commit a disregard of succor are many, is true, but we're much more. The laws exist, the same structures, funding pure, educators are migliaia, awarded the license, specialty, partly unoccupied What is missing in Italy is not the law but humanity. The first turns I arrived at Milan and saw the children and seek elemosina remained remained banned, not much for the act in itself when the indifference people. Then I called the number 800400400 which I had seen the posters: MOTHER'S SECRET for the protection of mother and child, and told me that proteggevano only the pregnant mother. A paradox: purquoi give birth children, send them to seek elemosina, to ruin the fragile members on the Metro operated animals ignorant, with COMPLICITA'GÉNÉRAL? But I did not. I turned to the town, know that they exist in milan Odei of specific services called ANGELS ROAD. I know the police in these cases is In Italy there are hundreds of homes for children and mothers in difficulty. This that there really is not umanità '. How can you observe a child of 5., 6 years and go seek elemosina indisturbati of work, bring to the school Vogler "Figl"? Which allows them the arrogance to believe that your son be diverged, they deserve another such bambini? Thousand tour myself faced with the juvenile court of Milan, whose president is a defeat Massaia either physically and morally, not aprlare professional skills, who know what they are (risponsa if he dares to righe this ..!) Più tour Myself fought against institutions of MAFIA. I've never done. Today I know that more than Never EYES WORLD ARE LISTED ON ITALY. Some graduates of our European Parliaments I picked up my requests and Europe is ready to take EVERY measure should make themselves useful and cons inevitabile GOVERNMENT AGENCIES, CITIZENS. But we are not the usual ignorantoni when they see a moribondo and a close call uomo murders without realizing that maybe it was just that intervened to call for help. This government, after years of MAFIA GOVERNMENT, is already something essential: And FINALLY TELEVISION MASS MEDIA ARE NOT PIU'GOUVERNÉS of those in power GOVERNMENT and finally arrive at the new REAL citizens and as SPOT. we do not make the mistake of killing that slowly renders freedom. Disasters living in Italy had TEN YEARS GOVERNMENT MAFIA and recover from is not easy for anyone. We do not boycott themselves, would be silly. Foreigners come to Italy to fieet each misfatto NOT because they lack the laws, because the structures are not lacking, but because they lack the civilians. Aliens believe that Italy is a country legally backlogged as cons in many ways lies at the forefront laws and services. What is missing in Italy is CIVILTA'des Individual citizens today hard line against uncivil. Tolerate a crime means essserne accomplices. If it involves small groups like women and children means being CRIMINALS. A atelefonata at 113 COAST NOT NULL, but a duty. ALWAYS and EVERYWHERE we see a child is having to call the police and carabinieri. It may even remain anonymous, call the telephone company. If one has the impression that the person I call does not take us seriously, it is insisted and called witnesses in the presence of signals to the juvenile court arrived. If the juvenile court is not in the city, signals to the proxy of the republic is clearly stating the facts with a complaint-written statement the attorney inform the court and initiate interventions by various modalities will intervene opportunely children are all equal children are our future. Protegge that children do not deserve lives free. The Association publishes a periodical ADDI informative bimonthly managed by European experts in child welfare and maternity. You write to to receive your copy and learn how to subscribe, to make donations, to place free translations or retribuibili with the release in your country (even outside the EEC). EACH ANOTHER KIND OF COMMUNICATION IS EXPRESSED FORBIDDEN. We chose the photograph of little Madeleine with the hope that can be quickly found and become the face with her testimonial and professional associations LICENSED PROFESSIONAL who operate for the REAL guardianship of children. About Societies: operate in the area without children is a qualified securities professional ABUSE AGAINST CHILDHOOD EVEN comunita'toute and the cons and one objects to you to uncover all NGOs ADDI is beyond OG, who commit such deprecabili able CRIMINALS, with the excuse of being voluntary (and pocketing billions in donations). Before offering your money to someone who Advertise an activity to help children, it checks that account for professionally qualified individuals to its interior, and it is true to HIM IN THEY OCCUPY. It is your right to request documentation of the movement of money offered (at your expense). If such documentation is withheld, it is your duty to denounce such associations and make public their misfatti.

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Questo blog Nasce per attività the far Conoscere dell'Associazione Infanzia Diritti Donne, in tempo di increasing abuses committed against these two groups.

The UN Resolution on Human Rights, The UN Children's Convention, both signed from Italy decades ago, PROHIBIT most of the crimes committed daily against women and children in countries like Italy civilians suspected. The European Convention on Human Rights, national laws (civil and criminal) prohibit the same abusi.Perchè then each and every kind of abuse is committed undisturbed? Because in the Italian judicial system is DISFUNSIONALE, that it 'efficient it' effective in practice, hiding behind the convenient excuse of the absence of a sufficient number of the "machine" legal, but actually trusting absence of controls, DOES WHAT THE ADDI PARE.Ciò that aims to bring awareness to the European citizens their rights, especially to anyone who is or who is next to a woman and / or children are all equal BAMBINO.I . They belong to the human race. There is no difference, the science is clear on this. The only race to be exterminated in an effective and definitive is that of racism. And this is now possible. A person who commits a crime against a woman or a child, a racist foundation (for example, exploit child labor or let innocent children just because they live like wild animals of different ethnicity, it is citable in court at the INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT AJA and if that were not enough, also apply in the United States where severe penalties for child abusers. The process can be applied in Direttissima and it matters little if the facts did not occur in the U.S., in the absence of suitable measures in the state concerned may request that the process is done in any other state with which Italy has signed agreements REGARDING COMPLIANCE HUMAN RIGHTS AND CHILDHOOD. abuse of a child also means leave without appropriate intervention, as they do for the former City of Milan and several others (just think of the four dead children just burned alive in a shack in Tuscany), knowing that entrusted to persons who are unable to take care idoneamente.O abet the exploitation of children as a rinse in Lombardy where they are left begging in the subway and the street. Guardians of the ATM, first, and people DUTY WITH CIVIL LIABILITY AND 'CRIMINAL if they do not (hit-and abetting EXPLOITATION FOR DELL'INFAZIA begging) should inform the police and police in this, as it occurs, that alerts the juvenile court. Otherwise, are complicated and failure to commit SOCCORSO.Sono many, it is true, but we are many more. Laws exist, the structures also, the funds too, are thousands of educators, graduates, skilled, partly disoccupati.Ciò missing in Italy is not the law but humanity. The first time I arrived in Milan and saw children begging remained so shocked, not so much the act itself when the indifference of the people. Then I called the number 800 400 400 of whom had seen the posters: SECRET MOTHER, for the protection of mother and child, and they said only that protected the pregnant mother. A paradox: why give birth to children, to be sent out to beg, to ruin the fragile limbs on the subway exploited by ignorant animals, with the complicity 'GENERAL? But I do not give up. I turned to the municipality, to know that there are specific milan Odei called ANGELS IN THE STREET. I know that the police in these cases interviene.In Italy there are hundreds of homes for children and mothers in need. What really there is the Human '. As you can observe a child of 5, 6 years begging and going to work in peace, we are to take to school "children"? Who gives you the arrogance to believe that your children are different, they deserve more from those kids? A thousand times I met with the court less of Milan, whose president is a housewife defeat, both physically and morally, not aprlare professional skills, which not even know what they are (I RESPONSIBLE, if he dares to these lines ..!) I have often struggled with FUNDAMENTALS OF MAFIA. I never gave up. I know that today more than ever EYES of the world are on Italy. Some diplomats of the European Parliament have raised my stress and Europe is ready to take any necessary would be helpful and inevitable against governments, institutions, ITALIAN CITIZENS. But we do not do the usual ignoramuses that when they see a dying man and a close call murderess without realizing that maybe it was just what occurred to call for help. This government, after years of MAFIA NGOs, is already doing something essential: FINALLY THE TV AND THE MEDIA ARE NO LONGER 'GOVERNED BY THE OWNER OF governmental power and finally the news come to nationals and non-REM commit the form of SPOT.Non 'failure to kill those who are slowly returning to freedom. The disasters that Italy is experiencing are due to TEN YEARS OF GOVERNMENT OF MAFIA and getting up is not easy for anyone. Do not boycott us, would be idiotic.
Foreigners are gushing in Italy to make every misdeed NOT because the laws are lacking, not because they lack the facilities, but due to lack of civilized people. Aliens believe that Italy is a country legally past due, but in many ways is leading the laws and services. What is missing in Italy is the civilization 'of individual cittadini.Da now hard line against uncivilized. To tolerate a crime means essserne accomplices. If it is for vulnerable groups like women and children means being criminals. A atelefonata the 113 costs nothing, but it is a MUST. Anytime, anywhere you see a child, it is the duty call police and carabinieri. You can also remain anonymous call from a phone public. If you get the impression that the person on the phone does not take us seriously, and insists it is called in the presence of testimoni.Si signals to the juvenile court the incident. If the juvenile court does not exist in the city, it signals to the prosecutor's office stating clearly the facts with a lawsuit-exposed SCRITTA.La attorney inform the court that will launch through various interventions and intervene opportunamente.I children are all uguali.I Children are our future. Who does not protect the children do not deserve to live free. ADDI
Association publishes a bimonthly periodical information maintained by European experts in child protection and motherhood. Write to
to receive your copy and learn how to subscribe, to make donations to carry out TRANSLATIONS FREE or paid for the spread in your country (even outside the EEC).
We chose the photo of Madeleine in the hope that will soon be found and his face into her testimonial and professional associations AUTHORIZED SPECIALIST working for REAL protection. About
groups: working in children without appropriate professional qualifications and abuse against children and against SAME the community 'and all one of the objectives of ADDI is to unmask all NGOs than OG, who commit these despicable criminal acts under the pretext of being a volunteer (and pocketing billions in donations).
Before donating your money to someone who advertises an activity to help children, CHECK that includes professionally qualified people within it, and who are the real ones to occupy. And 'your right to ask for the documentation of the movements of money donated (at your expense). If the file is rejected, it is your right to denounce these groups and publicize their misdeeds.