Each year the awards IgNobel (those for the more abstruse research and extravagant, that everyone will know) gives me some enthusiasm, even if the motivation of the premium due is seen in its proper angle : research they should do "first smile, and then reflect." This year I am
nell'imprevista situation to see that four out of ten studies were already winners in my knowledge. Because in reality the two are in the knowledge of everyone, and two because they had raised at that time my own curiosity, and there may arise some concern for where it goes to my personal parry curiosity.
Another circumstance (I think) novel (and which helps to understand the potential value of those visionaries of the improbable "that get the IgNobel) is that the true Nobel Prize for Physics this year went to Andre Konstantin Novoselov and Geim, for their work on graphene, Andre Geim and was gratified IgNobel Prize in 2000 for a particular use of magnetic fields that had allowed him to levitate a frog.
Prizes of reasons which everyone knows are:
- that 's economy, executives of Goldman Sachs, AIG, Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, Merrill Lynch and Magnetar, "for having invented and promoted a new way of investing money that maximizes gain and minimizes the financial risks for the world economy, or at least a small part of it, "and
- the chemical , BP \u200b\u200band several collaborating institutions and universities" to have refuted the old belief that oil and water do not mix. "
and those that I've read some documentation:
- transport planning, a Japanese group which carried out on a map Tokyo metropolitan area at some particles of nutrients of the most important towns and the surrounding area, and noted that a fungus, those who once called myxomycetes (now it seems that the Phylum Myxomycota no longer exists and I do not know how this stuff is called) the nutrients reach the network of filaments producing more efficient and economical as possible (according to human standards), which rather faithfully reproduced on the map , subway lines and suburban railways. Moral: the planners of public transport could be replaced with identical results mold, however, also found that direct observation by users;
- Zoology, University of Bristol, for the discovery of the practice of oral sex in some species of bats (the details are, uh, maybe next time).
The six other awards are still worthy of attention: Among the winners there is also an Italian group (University of Catania), to
- management: a mathematical model shows that companies and institutions can gain efficiency by distributing rewards and promotions in a completely random (and here I think many will draw on its experience);
and again:
- engineering, a British-Mexican team that has developed a method for collecting mucus of the whales with a remote-controlled helicopter;
- medicine, a Dutch group that has shown how a roller coaster ride can hold asthma symptoms;
- physical , a group that New Zealand has shown experimentally that wear socks over shoes significantly reduces the chances of slipping on an icy road walking (chapeau!)
- public health, a U.S. group that has studied the bacteria that, in laboratories, researchers are setting up the beard (once again there might be some cause for personal concern, with which there tedierĂ²)
- peace (!), a British group that has demonstrated swearing that relieves the sensation of pain (and this was something that anyone is given a hammer on a finger has got to try, and now finally is a scientific confirmation).
expect tough positions taken by the Vatican on the allocation of that premium (I wonder if it falls within the sphere of bioethics or not ... oh, well).
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