Friday, February 18, 2011
Cost Of Rogue Status Drum Set
Francesco Merlo La Repubblica today:
Benigni horse crap and Sanremo
It took the jokes and antics of Roberto Benigni on horseback, happy parody of the monument Risorgimento, Ciampi to tell us that his grandfather has done it and that our bad anthem has finally become an anthem. Although it is true that we must above all to the league, its cafonaggine, promoting quell'oltraggiata march Mameli that until a few years ago none of us listened with passion. Benigni has articulated as a living body, he murmured and made it excessive, and laughing, "the helmet of Scipio" has shown that has grown so much in the national sentiment that it really works now as a sign of strength of the country. To the point that it now denies innova who wants to deny Italy. And it is a great success for the Festival in 1951 he left as a second expedition of the Thousand, the Italian song against the Bourbon Neapolitan songs at that time was our identity. The festival had the mission of making the national song, Nilla Pizzi was the antidote to Giacomo Rondinella. Togliani Achilles and the duo set sail from the rocks Fasano Liguria Sanremo as Garibaldi had sailed from the rocks of the Ligurian Quarto.
And yet, despite the chaos of open living & style Benigni, his jokes and Mameli Berlusconi on Italy nation "minor", on "My Prisons" Pellico wrote that thinking about Silvio, and Cavour "caught the grandson of Metternick-Mubarak "again in Sanremo Italy was not there, if not false, as ridiculous crap from ballet tricolor puppets who have belittled even the William Tell by Rossini. And there is no worse than to wave a giant flag to supplant the home. Benigni has high ridendone and nationalist rhetoric and monumental fanfare they chased back into the fog, in the mirage.
'm definitely a fake "U surdatu nnamurato" and the soldier of "Farewell My Lovely Farewell" that never existed because it picciotti Guaglione and shot in the foot so as not to give the Italian army's weakness, while not From the military: "I do not want war," sang that yesterday in the Italian Gaber-Sanremo was crap in effigy, he waved and then betrayed. There was a soldier instead of De André, so considerate towards an enemy that "shouldering the artillery / not reciprocating the courtesy. " There was the cloying love songs of the modulated miserere Catholic sull'afflizione and suffering as lullabies, and even a room in the sky has lost its subversive of libertinism. There was poverty as happy dream of a thousand pounds a month, Patty Pravo massacred, but there were heavy misery and malaise of a country, then as now, willing to do anything. And there were the "sole mio" celebrated dall'inquietante Anna Oxa and the usual "mama / I return to you" are two of our national disgrace, which blunts the sun and the mother who condemn us all'Italietta of big babies. E "Italian with a guitar in hand" is the stereotype that we are ashamed of. Fortunately, the wonderful interpretation of Al Bano made us realize that we listen more "Va pensiero" and more run to hide the evil thought that the League wants to make the soundtrack of the Risorgimento in the hymn of secession. The bad interpretation of the Northern League star David Van De Sfroos, which means old smuggler in Lombard, you have entrusted "Long live Italy". This 'smuggler and a good musician and esteemed bard but was out of place in fake nationalist, and perhaps precisely because it is quality, a little' how to beat that seemed to mock the conductor, the Scannagatti Toto makes the hearing differed from the publisher.
There were songs of liberation and popular ones on the left, the weeders and died in Reggio Emilia, nor were the songs of two decades, Poppies and ducks, and "awakened by the rooster / mirrored in the stream" and nothing white telephones and tangos of jealousy, nothing erotic turmoil, there was the sexual liberation of Patty Pravo. And Masi and La Russa in the front row seemed to be the godfathers of Mazzi and Mazza, director of mediocrity. Even
Sacco and Vanzetti is just a parody of national pride because if they were not Italian but French or English or German Americans would not have allowed to assassinate him. And the God who died of Gucci? And the engine that runs against the bosses? And the shampoo? And the songs of protest? And Luigi Tenco Sanremo that buried?
Taken one by one almost all of these songs are classics, and then emotions postcard, postcards if they still existed. But not all together compose the epic national football finals with Pertini, from Bolzano to Cefalù identity that is made of water and mountains, gourmet recipes and character, idea of \u200b\u200bbeauty, emotion before the images of the Holy Cross or the Dome or Etna or masks of the Carnival of Venice, schools and prefectures, and servants of the Salesian oratories State of good priests and sections of the PCI, burned faces of sailors and peasants, in short, everything that has a real relationship with our memories, but no flags waving roots hidden in the depths of time and history, that contagious smile as we exchange singing "then suddenly I was abducted by the wind / and started to fly in the infinite sky" in a country where it is sweet also fail.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Tooth Decay Independent Variable
A week ago, as reported here , Grillo attacked Nichi Vendola ripubblicizzazione the Apulian aqueduct. Vendola's response has convinced me, and since it was born an unpleasant but interesting discussion with Facebook of "grillini" I thought I'd pull some amount.
Meanwhile, I admit my ignorance, which does not go beyond the events of the county council in November, when the stop ripubblicizzazione was to "avoid the effects of any negative decision on appeal of the national government to the Constitutional Court." I do not know if things are broken, because at that blog, and managed by the Consumer Protection and Citizens, there are no updates. And do not even know if there are other stops behind the reasons for "political", as they say where there is something rotten. I do not live in Puglia and I have no contacts with local people, so I can not know these things. Nor do I deal with conspiracy.
Despite this, however, practices Vendola words I find it extremely concordant . I consider it essential to the political battles not only to be beautiful souls , widespread feeling that is accompanied by darkening "are all the same" machine mud and vulgar Italian provincialism of "we er mejo", because I believe these attitudes anti - politicians as the worst evil of Italy today. How
said Vendola, the battles are to win, then collided with the difficulty of the real, without howls foolishly against the manner of Grillo. You do not feel better, but to bring their beliefs and try comparing them with those of others, to find the best solutions to problems. While the movement of Beppe Grillo goes no further underscore the problems and proposed some ways impossible to solve them. Let me be clear, not all that, but in general the force that moves underground can not be produced any more (certainly not by his words programmatic).
And this is as far from the policy there may be, if there is a good thing, because it brings up those issues that seems to have abandoned a policy of self and if it can catalyze the underwater forces of civil society, there are many aspects negative is possible without a policy, those problems will be solved or not, worse, everyone will judge for themselves.
It seems to me that the party led by a comedian is nothing more than an emulation of that other party who has headed the comic Berlusconi. Beppe Grillo, as well, although the novelty of anti rides (as old as the cuckoo) does not allow us to get out of this predicament all Italian, even radicalization and worse: the commitment of so many disasters, people certainly leg, unable to turn those skills in resolving real political operation.
and proposed Vendola, realistic and concrete, despite moves by great ideals (in the video Annozero criticize him for the abstraction), are strongly opposed all'antipolitica Berlusconi and the grillino, because evil does not consist in Italy many problems to solve, but do not want them and resolve in not wanting to meet each other to solve them. Have new ideas, attentive to the future, is important; wipe out this political class as well. Replace it with nothing, however, will get us nowhere, because the beautiful souls on ivory towers, will continue to stills solutions are impossible to translate into reality. A reality, despite Grillo, very complex. The commitment itself is in fact sterile rhetorical exercise, workout room. Esercitiamoci not only with ourselves, face the world, meet others, can often be fruitful and exciting ...
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Can You Get Cold Sores On Your Stomach

City Berlin will make public all contract terms and trade agreements, so far kept "confidential", to two private companies on the sale of 49% of drinking water distribution company, in 1999.
The referendum, which required it won, even if the measure: in Germany, because a referendum request is accepted, the need to win, and that represents at least 25% of those entitled to vote. If the no wins, or if such quorum is not reached, the request is rejected. He voted 27% of Berliners, with 98.2% Si (26.5% yes then on eligible).
The result is promising, because the conditions were not unlike those presumably we will have in Italy at the time of the public referendum on the water, only the Greens are in favor, with all the other parties invited to vote no or not voting (also Linke, who was then voted against it, but now is in the majority which administers the city), the debate deliberately ignored by the press and media, limited to small sidebars on almost all the newspapers, no manifest on the streets, as the committee have a total budget of 12,000 Euro, collected in a collection.
But common sense has prevailed. Since its privatization in the water today in Berlin and inflation of 35%, and the municipality collects only 35% of the profits, while the remaining 65% fat the two minority private, thanks to agreements "reserved" the referendum that seeks to expose.
The two private partners, Veolia and RWE, will likely appeal invoking the unconstitutionality of the request made by the referendum argue, in fact, that one can not require companies to disclose their "trade secrets".
"trade secrets". Such a defense is the best explanation of why not be left in private hands commons vital as water.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Guricke Tension On A Hemisphere

Yesterday, Sunday, February 13, 2011, Bologna was in the square. E 'down to show and remember that a society that treats women as inferior beings, to use and to satisfy some sop, as Berlusconi has shown (he is a sick man, said his wife, and from there we have seen of all colors), is a company that shows a lot of problems. And yesterday in the procession in Bologna we were really so many, in my opinion just under 100,000 people, with the whole street was full and certainly Marconi had already turned the corner by Ugo Bassi, with many people were in the arcades, then out of the eye visible cameras, and many that looked out the windows. Beyond all expectations (and thus in most major cities: see the Piazza del Popolo finally full, not as manifestations of the policy was exciting). Furthermore, with the beautiful knowledge that not only have filled a square in a city, but many places (and vicinity) of many large and small cities.
I saw so many people from the world of 2006 nights. And I must admit, this is where things were very different. Continue
And for now I have nothing to add ...
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Dragon Ball Z Bulma Doujinshi Hd
"Those lies, if you want to call them, those lies are me, as they really are, with such lies I do not pretend, with such lies at the bottom tell you the truth. But there are things in which I can not lie. There are things in which they are penetrated, of which I understood the meaning, things that I love and that I take seriously. And there can not be joking. If lying, humiliate myself, and this is wrong, do not ask me, I will not. "
M. Kundera, Loves ridiculous
"However, as the philosophers are so thin, they can find it difficult even in things that seem very clear to other men "
R. Descartes, Le Monde
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Can Sew-ins Be Tightened

150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy
Friday, February 11, 2011
Wedding Dinner Saree Blouse Design
is to" find a truth that is truth for me , find the idea for which I I want to live and die. What I would if I could find a so-called objective truth [...] if I could build a ondo, which would not live, but would keep only show it to others, [...] would be made if many individual phenomena then he had not for myself and for the my life any deeper meaning? [...] What I would
Lche the truth I was being naked in front and cold, indifferent to me to acknowledge it or not, causing quite a thrill instead of a painful feeling of trusting devotion? [...] That 's what I miss, and that is why I am here as a man who has collected the belongings and got a house for rent, but has not yet found the love that he should share with happiness and unhappiness of life. "(S. Kierkegaard, Journals, August 1, 1835)
After all," you may have known something many times, essercisi tested, yet, only the deep inner motion, only the indescribable emotion of the heart, only This gives you the confidence that you know what belongs to you, that no power can tear; because only the truth is the truth that we built for you. "(S. Kierkegaard, ultimatum )
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Disconnet Telephone Line Request Letter
What is the relationship we have with the gypsies? Scare us a bit? Make us feel uncomfortable? There are funny? Steal? Anger us?
After the advent of agriculture, the secondary return to nomadism is usually tied to the passage, as the basic economic resource, horse breeding, which occurred regularly, to greater profitability in a temperate zone of the steppes of Central Asia. They were nomadic horse breeders Aryans, that no one knows how many thousands of years ago they acquired through their precious animals, a sufficient military superiority to impose their language in all subject areas, to Europe, Persia, India's most . Indo-European languages \u200b\u200bare their only legacy, almost no other traces remain of their passage, and no one knows where they came from a band extended from west to east from the Black Sea over the Aral Sea (if it were true the 'hypothesis easternmost one might imagine that the "pure Aryan race" idolized by the crowd identify with what we now call the Taliban, but the idea is too funny to be true). They were nomadic horse breeders
the Huns, and were the Mongols, who from their unification by Genghis Khan conquered, in just two generations, the largest and ephemeral empire that has ever seen, from China to ' Hungary.
Roma and Sinti, Gypsies, nomadic herdsmen of horses, travel the world for well over a thousand years without any intention of conquest, and probably have a different story. Their language, Romany (or Romani) is an Indo-Aryan language, related to Hindi, Kashmiri and the in Sanskrit, and reveals their origin northwestern India, and their migration and dispersal around the world has no expansion or looking for new territories, some of their traditional legends suggests that they fled because they were victims of persecution, or that political upheavals have relegated them to hit their lowest caste in the social system of origin. In fact we know virtually nothing of the beginning of their history.
Their arrival in Europe through Persia, dating back to medieval times, and it was admired and host alternation of fierce hostility.
were valued craftsmen, skilled in metalworking, especially copper, grinders, musicians and entertainers, fortune tellers and fortune tellers, as well as horse dealers. They moved through the agrarian society of sedentary exploiting marginal resources, appeared in one place, some place casual work, selling their products, or the superstitions of the premises, and disappeared. But
nomadism could also be seen as a curse from God, crafts such as metal molds had to do with magic, and the prediction of the future with witchcraft.
Notices expulsion began to multiply in the sixteenth and especially the seventeenth century, when the formation of national states accentuated the sedentary and social control, the gypsy way of life became more and more suspicious, "strange" and incompatible, and the growing importance of private property, beggary and pilferage parasitism became increasingly intolerable.
The culture of the Enlightenment, then, tends to stop discrimination and persecution, provided that the gypsies will make citizens like all others: the Austria of Maria Theresa tries to make people happy by obliging them to abandon the nomadic gypsies, their language, their traditions and their clothes, and even their children, that the age of four are assigned to families of farmers because they are bred "to be good Christians."
In many times and in many places the Gypsies have become the perfect enemy: different, not equivalent, annoying. Easily were "something else". The hate campaigns against them have always found it easy consensus, and have become a tool (passive) propaganda comfortable.
For fifty years now, with the end of the agricultural society, urbanization and industrialization, have ceased to be nomads: their ancient crafts are no longer viable. Yet, in Italy, even now you continue to house them in camps, conceived the idea of \u200b\u200ba temporary stay. But of the 80 to 10 million Roma and Sinti in Europe, only 2-3% still traveling in a caravan, el '85% are completely sedentary. Italy is the only country in Europe that still there are staying in camps. So it becomes always easier to identify their "diversity" and use it as an easy means of producing consensus. In Milan, Moratti has come to the big drum on the forced evictions of the field in favor of the camera, moving in spotlight off the issue a few hundred yards away. Now, in Milan, is somewhat diminished the frenzy of propaganda against the gypsies who steal, why, with all the obstacles faced by real estate speculation for the Expo 2015, we must think of protecting the interests of those who steal through a bank or company Financial based in Luxembourg.
In Rome, the junta, "Alemanno & relatives & friends" threat since his inauguration a "plan nomads" who has never seen, "because of bureaucracy" that is? Of himself? But even in Rome, the theme was the same: fanfare and television on the forced evictions, silence on returns due to lack of alternatives.
The camps should not be there not because the good people do not like the nomads, but simply because they are no longer nomads. It 's just one of many forms of lack of involvement of the institutions in the face of social marginality.
But it's too easy to look good with their voters to have cast the gypsies to the nearest (and forcing them to move in the next quarter, but this does not say).
The International Labour Organization (ILO), the agency work of the United Nations in his report on the implementation of the "International Conventions and Recommendations on 6 March 2009, condemned Italy for the" climate of intolerance exists, "created by" political leaders "Italians, guilty of using a "aggressive and discriminatory rhetoric associating the Roma to criminality, thus creating a feeling of hostility and antagonism among the public."
But we want the "political leaders", especially those decorated with green tie, may have declined at a target so comfortable?
Then, occasionally, in camps, someone dies of cold, some burned, and some consciousness awakens. Temporarily.
The significance of the triangle
brown you should already know: if not, I'll leave you to the survey, which is simply banal.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Bust Size By Nationality
Dear voters Berlusconi, will be heard rumors, I suppose, that the Italians have become an enigma to the allied democracies . The mystery is not Berlusconi, who for years has a power not normal control TV, newspapers and intimidating judges. After so many elections, we, individual citizens, to be the real puzzle.
What we repeatedly ask is: " Why do you still want it? Why do you insist even now, which is suspected of corruption of minors and bribery?. "No head of government could last more than a few days off Italy: print, television, him away his peers, forcing him to appear in court. Of the democracies could not understand this: If not now, when you free?
These questions everyone should be able to answer: who votes and who has never voted, judging not only the battle between unequal sides (about unequal media influence) but profoundly atypical. We are all contaminated by the way this man went into politics and the nature of his power, his private compound that constantly with our audience. We all live in a kind of show dominated by sex and processes to the premier.
The worst thing in my opinion is when inveiamo against his senile passion. As if problem was to make the age as if it was enough that there was a thirty Arcore, because things change. It is the trap that often fall opponents. Worth reading what I wrote the writer Boris Izaguirre, about the consensus is still claimed by the premier. Its weaknesses are actually hidden forces, "Corruption, when it exposes, creates wonder. The ability to control and avoid all fascinating to dodge justice. " Also fascinates the final epiphany of older lust. The "revolution of taste" which embodies these, the epiphany is "the only option for the adult contemporary, and inevitably attracts an electorate that shares dreams of eternal Youth "(El Pais, 7-2-11). Ours, as we know, is a country of old: the offensive pairing of the premier age and crime is something that disturbs both you and me. Drops both in a network that traps, which usually impossible to obtain a policy, to reinvent what they are, in a democracy, right and left.
The network where we fall is a film that really does not threaten the leader: it is his movie, you and us are extras in his own script, mixed sex, evil, abuse of power. For years, we live a world away from the reality-fantasy, based on the private life of the garment. It is reasonable that it does? Obscene? The right-thinking people believe that this will take care of the magistrates, politicians and the press should instead seek a truce. But truce with whom? You can negotiate with a puppeteer who turns us into puppets of puppets or spectators? If you do not light on the nights of Arcore, it is inevitable that films about the popes in the degenerating ridanciano-girl. Every citizen, Berlusconi or not, we already jokes about it, probably, as the audience laughed in disbelief in the last days of man described by Kierkegaard, when the jester burst, and says that the theater burns. The moment the show starts the laughter overwhelms reality. You also guessed the voters PDL: you expect from the new year are likely to run out in a theater on fire, with us dazed staring at the fool.
One wonders whether it is precisely this, the strength of the Knight: destructive, but still strong. As Napoleon when he spoke of his soldiers, he seems to say: "My plans, I make them asleep with dreams of the Italians." Bolted into the show without seeing the dangers, from papers and enchanted blue spaces that usurp the space of public affairs, will continue to be pawns in his game. He will decide when to end the show which he stars. He occupies both spaces, the fantasy and reality, according to the conveniences. It is his dual nature to confuse the minds: his being Jekyll and Hyde. Scheduled to appear in court rifugerà inviolate private, exhibiting coarseness of Hyde. When the show tracimerà, ridiverrà impeccable Dr Jekyll and tell you all amazed: "I propose a pact of economic growth, armistice on the rest." A Galli della Loggia, who is a historian of Italy, I would ask, with this split personality to urge truce?
is why no politician would today invite the Italians to dream a different country. Italy has already dreamed too. In the heat of illusions has forgotten how cold gaze, snebbiato. Do not need dreams, but to awaken. The other Italy to tell outside the home is not the one "who goes to bed early," as the Marcegaglia. It is one who watches, who dares to new knowledge, learn (Umberto Eco has a good answer, in the manifestation of freedom and justice: "I'm going to bed late, ma'am, but that's because I read Kant). As subprime lending, Italy is caught in a bubble, who allegedly manufactured by the guarantor of its stability. But the bubble burst and as you know, voters PDL: that day, the sharks will be saved, and your big buzz is over.
long as the bubble remains, it is clear that the prime minister will retain influence. I invite you to read an article written in 2002 by the Pais Javier Marias ( is reproduced in the blog). The writer lists the ingredients of seduction Berlusconi: her confidence always "underlined in red," the "fake smile constant because, "the singer's past practice as to break away from home and mix with the powerful, the mentality of the old Francoist deferential porter with the powerful and haughty with domestic resentment behind a caricature of goodness, the terror of being excluded from the big league The absence of any "shame narrative." He seduces downgraded by identifying with them, and the more they despise. Its moral: You're a loser if you do not like me unbreakable laws, rights, constitution.
say that you like the anti-politics. I believe that what you expect too much from politics. Have you dreamed of a miracle worker re-almighty and forgiving at the same time, not a Democrat. It is useless to continue the conspiratorial agreement that binds you to him illegally: the results are not expected. This is because Berlusconi, a strong power, but powerless. It is not fascism, but the beginnings of fascism - when it was pure "doctrine of action" - repeated like a broken record. The masses lulled into the illusion: these are early days. Then the doctrine became a political war, and was ruined. But it was an act. Not so Berlusconi. For years the image is fixed on the preambles of the fascists magician who seduces the crowds humiliating the man, like the Onion Knight hypnotizes victims in the story that Mario and the Magician by Thomas Mann. The
was Berlusconi is full of these troubles terms: terms with the mafia protect business and family terms with corrupt judges; terms with girls looking for money and visibility. Can you guess what they thought their parents: "Better deals virgins to the dragon, that precarious in a call center." They were paid for performance, then why be quiet. To this can become, by blackmail, blackmail papi-sponsor.
But history is also Italian story of decency, of the dead who fell defending the State against the Mafia. You also marvel at this story: you have admired the past three heads of state, and before Pertini. Without you, however, the Quirinal and Europe may soon even less. Both of us save for the moment the chasm, and perhaps the only European economic and monetary a bit 'our misfortune: the dangers, we'll guess it behind so many veils. But I guess. If Egypt was the revolution of dignity, because Italy can not have a revolt of decency? Decency always begins with the discovery of more than the ruler of equal rights for all, freedom of speech. Barbara Spinelli, La Repubblica today
Monday, February 7, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Saturday, February 5, 2011
My Brazillian Grandma

not know how many have noticed that all the riots that inflamed the middle of the Arab world today, from Algeria to Yemen, and are as popular revolts against autocratic and corrupt political regimes, were born in straight lines as movements of protest against rising food prices.
E 'news today that the FAO food price index, which takes account of cereals, meat, dairy products, vegetable oils, has reached its historical peak in 2010, exceeding the value of 2008, when the price oil had reached $ 140 a barrel. Yields of cereals
2010 have declined by 1.4% compared to last year, without taking into account the data of the southern hemisphere, still incomplete (and a big exporter of cereals, Australia has a huge area submerged by a flood, then that will do nothing). The Amazon is facing an unprecedented drought. Russia, major exporter of grain, saw its production decrease due to decreased rainfall. The riots in Tunisia and Egypt are not just politicians, are the first symptom of what our excess consumption produces the effect of climate change. I'm beginning to worry seriously. Instead we continue to want to boost the economy by encouraging consumption. It means that we are coming.
Tattoos Male Genitalia
Prepare for tomorrow, Conchita De Gregorio
Like tightrope walkers, walk poised on the brink. We applaud the vulgar screams, obscenities as they collect figurines album, hello to the friend Mubarak barricaded away in the castle, look more closely at the photo showing the man to lead the country to ten girls show their mechanical skills, even a purchase. Vulgarized, impoverished, food inedible and the rest of the world mocked Italy trusts in the wisdom of a former president, the ultimate guarantor of a long since faded, and the rules of honor, dignity and duty. The time when women, by themselves, war widows or "white widows" of men swallowed up by the labor and employment grew by four, seven, ten children and sent them to school, teaching them to help each other and help themselves, accountability, commitment, hard work. Those women are still here, I'm here their adult children, fathers themselves. They have no time for politics, or have contempt.
They think it will pass. Someone, weakened by the constant illusion of fortune bingo, corruption and cunning, he succumbed to temptation. It will not be forever, though. It is an illusion, and it will be hard awakening. Very hard for everyone. It is to them that we must address. Not to those who already know: who was unable or unwilling to hear. To girls who prostitute themselves to buy the SUV we can explain that, yes, if they want, but there is another way to live. One way that can work even 40, 50 and 60 years, when there will be no one to ask them to dance. We have to show it, we must demand a government that the monsters that make this possible. That does justice to those who "prefer not," as some prefer not to great men and women in the past. We need to talk to those who believe not me, who says a better man today than a hen tomorrow, we must prepare for tomorrow instead. We have to do for children who are now ten years and we want to see their children grow up here, in Italy, we do not want to be orphans of our grandchildren. Sell \u200b\u200boff our country to those who have more money to buy it. We
, each as may, by whatever means it has to do our part so has exposed the trap of propaganda so effective that says you're all the same, we are all equal. Which reduces the opposing factions and weakens thought to putting the words above, before listening to the labels. Those who scream that if an item is read from the drive to church in ten hundred churches, priests are to hunt: ask not what they say, those words do not hear them. We must return to make our voices heard by all, and cheer every time a person or distracted away from us, even one, start again to exercise the virtue of the doubt. Doubt, too. Return to live in a country where the confrontation and the clash of ideas, proposals, projects and programs is such that everyone can convinced of the goodness of his other themes, change your mind if necessary, get out of the trenches in which they want us to stay holed up, cowboys against Indians. To understand, listen, speak, listen again. The country, Italy and the other - the one that does not go on TV - want this, we ask for that. Let's do it. Women and men in the streets and homes, wherever we can.
from the unit of 04 febbrraio 2011.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Tattoo And Female Genital
Other than sexual freedom. It's the same beauty of love, the pursuit of pleasure in reciprocity, to suffer an attack. So as to cause frustration in males, the fall of the desires, impulses sopraffattrici, mortification eros virtual porn.
Only in this sense we can recognize that we are ourselves victims of the offense to the dignity of woman. Of course he is right when Sister Rita Giaretta Caserta denounces the legitimacy come from the top of the institutional power of sale into slavery of the body (not only but primarily female) to the lower rungs of the social ladder. It is indignant, Sister Rita, for the cynicism with which the male part of our society seems to accept it as normal. But precisely because this habit is cemented by a mass popular culture in Berlusconi's television for decades vulgar tread - and where his private habits are the caricature paroxysmal - The reaction can and must be female and male together. Far from sexual phobia, the uprising female involves human beings in a common project of dignity which is the foundation of civilization. The party of love was the most mocking of the premier political scam investigated for aiding and abetting the prostitution of minors. But the difficult construction of love, as well as remind us of our most talented songwriters, is the deep fatigue that is worth living.