Triangle Coming
What is the relationship we have with the gypsies? Scare us a bit? Make us feel uncomfortable? There are funny? Steal? Anger us?
After the advent of agriculture, the secondary return to nomadism is usually tied to the passage, as the basic economic resource, horse breeding, which occurred regularly, to greater profitability in a temperate zone of the steppes of Central Asia. They were nomadic horse breeders Aryans, that no one knows how many thousands of years ago they acquired through their precious animals, a sufficient military superiority to impose their language in all subject areas, to Europe, Persia, India's most . Indo-European languages \u200b\u200bare their only legacy, almost no other traces remain of their passage, and no one knows where they came from a band extended from west to east from the Black Sea over the Aral Sea (if it were true the 'hypothesis easternmost one might imagine that the "pure Aryan race" idolized by the crowd identify with what we now call the Taliban, but the idea is too funny to be true). They were nomadic horse breeders
the Huns, and were the Mongols, who from their unification by Genghis Khan conquered, in just two generations, the largest and ephemeral empire that has ever seen, from China to ' Hungary.
Roma and Sinti, Gypsies, nomadic herdsmen of horses, travel the world for well over a thousand years without any intention of conquest, and probably have a different story. Their language, Romany (or Romani) is an Indo-Aryan language, related to Hindi, Kashmiri and the in Sanskrit, and reveals their origin northwestern India, and their migration and dispersal around the world has no expansion or looking for new territories, some of their traditional legends suggests that they fled because they were victims of persecution, or that political upheavals have relegated them to hit their lowest caste in the social system of origin. In fact we know virtually nothing of the beginning of their history.
Their arrival in Europe through Persia, dating back to medieval times, and it was admired and host alternation of fierce hostility.
were valued craftsmen, skilled in metalworking, especially copper, grinders, musicians and entertainers, fortune tellers and fortune tellers, as well as horse dealers. They moved through the agrarian society of sedentary exploiting marginal resources, appeared in one place, some place casual work, selling their products, or the superstitions of the premises, and disappeared. But
nomadism could also be seen as a curse from God, crafts such as metal molds had to do with magic, and the prediction of the future with witchcraft.
Notices expulsion began to multiply in the sixteenth and especially the seventeenth century, when the formation of national states accentuated the sedentary and social control, the gypsy way of life became more and more suspicious, "strange" and incompatible, and the growing importance of private property, beggary and pilferage parasitism became increasingly intolerable.
The culture of the Enlightenment, then, tends to stop discrimination and persecution, provided that the gypsies will make citizens like all others: the Austria of Maria Theresa tries to make people happy by obliging them to abandon the nomadic gypsies, their language, their traditions and their clothes, and even their children, that the age of four are assigned to families of farmers because they are bred "to be good Christians."
In many times and in many places the Gypsies have become the perfect enemy: different, not equivalent, annoying. Easily were "something else". The hate campaigns against them have always found it easy consensus, and have become a tool (passive) propaganda comfortable.
For fifty years now, with the end of the agricultural society, urbanization and industrialization, have ceased to be nomads: their ancient crafts are no longer viable. Yet, in Italy, even now you continue to house them in camps, conceived the idea of \u200b\u200ba temporary stay. But of the 80 to 10 million Roma and Sinti in Europe, only 2-3% still traveling in a caravan, el '85% are completely sedentary. Italy is the only country in Europe that still there are staying in camps. So it becomes always easier to identify their "diversity" and use it as an easy means of producing consensus. In Milan, Moratti has come to the big drum on the forced evictions of the field in favor of the camera, moving in spotlight off the issue a few hundred yards away. Now, in Milan, is somewhat diminished the frenzy of propaganda against the gypsies who steal, why, with all the obstacles faced by real estate speculation for the Expo 2015, we must think of protecting the interests of those who steal through a bank or company Financial based in Luxembourg.
In Rome, the junta, "Alemanno & relatives & friends" threat since his inauguration a "plan nomads" who has never seen, "because of bureaucracy" that is? Of himself? But even in Rome, the theme was the same: fanfare and television on the forced evictions, silence on returns due to lack of alternatives.
The camps should not be there not because the good people do not like the nomads, but simply because they are no longer nomads. It 's just one of many forms of lack of involvement of the institutions in the face of social marginality.
But it's too easy to look good with their voters to have cast the gypsies to the nearest (and forcing them to move in the next quarter, but this does not say).
The International Labour Organization (ILO), the agency work of the United Nations in his report on the implementation of the "International Conventions and Recommendations on 6 March 2009, condemned Italy for the" climate of intolerance exists, "created by" political leaders "Italians, guilty of using a "aggressive and discriminatory rhetoric associating the Roma to criminality, thus creating a feeling of hostility and antagonism among the public."
But we want the "political leaders", especially those decorated with green tie, may have declined at a target so comfortable?
Then, occasionally, in camps, someone dies of cold, some burned, and some consciousness awakens. Temporarily.
The significance of the triangle
brown you should already know: if not, I'll leave you to the survey, which is simply banal.
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