Saturday, February 5, 2011

Tattoos Male Genitalia

There is also another way to exist: one for Italy

Prepare for tomorrow, Conchita De Gregorio

Like tightrope walkers, walk poised on the brink. We applaud the vulgar screams, obscenities as they collect figurines album, hello to the friend Mubarak barricaded away in the castle, look more closely at the photo showing the man to lead the country to ten girls show their mechanical skills, even a purchase. Vulgarized, impoverished, food inedible and the rest of the world mocked Italy trusts in the wisdom of a former president, the ultimate guarantor of a long since faded, and the rules of honor, dignity and duty. The time when women, by themselves, war widows or "white widows" of men swallowed up by the labor and employment grew by four, seven, ten children and sent them to school, teaching them to help each other and help themselves, accountability, commitment, hard work. Those women are still here, I'm here their adult children, fathers themselves. They have no time for politics, or have contempt.

They think it will pass. Someone, weakened by the constant illusion of fortune bingo, corruption and cunning, he succumbed to temptation. It will not be forever, though. It is an illusion, and it will be hard awakening. Very hard for everyone. It is to them that we must address. Not to those who already know: who was unable or unwilling to hear. To girls who prostitute themselves to buy the SUV we can explain that, yes, if they want, but there is another way to live. One way that can work even 40, 50 and 60 years, when there will be no one to ask them to dance. We have to show it, we must demand a government that the monsters that make this possible. That does justice to those who "prefer not," as some prefer not to great men and women in the past. We need to talk to those who believe not me, who says a better man today than a hen tomorrow, we must prepare for tomorrow instead. We have to do for children who are now ten years and we want to see their children grow up here, in Italy, we do not want to be orphans of our grandchildren. Sell \u200b\u200boff our country to those who have more money to buy it. We

, each as may, by whatever means it has to do our part so has exposed the trap of propaganda so effective that says you're all the same, we are all equal. Which reduces the opposing factions and weakens thought to putting the words above, before listening to the labels. Those who scream that if an item is read from the drive to church in ten hundred churches, priests are to hunt: ask not what they say, those words do not hear them. We must return to make our voices heard by all, and cheer every time a person or distracted away from us, even one, start again to exercise the virtue of the doubt. Doubt, too. Return to live in a country where the confrontation and the clash of ideas, proposals, projects and programs is such that everyone can convinced of the goodness of his other themes, change your mind if necessary, get out of the trenches in which they want us to stay holed up, cowboys against Indians. To understand, listen, speak, listen again. The country, Italy and the other - the one that does not go on TV - want this, we ask for that. Let's do it. Women and men in the streets and homes, wherever we can.

from the unit of 04 febbrraio 2011.


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