Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Tie A Converse Double
The film from which this image is "Inherit the Wind " in Italian "... and Inherit the Wind! , 1960, Stanley Kramer. This historical film is the translation of an authentic and notorious trial, held in the hot August of 1925 in the town of Dayton, Tennessee, and known to history as the "trial of the Apes." I do not know whether the name is derived only by the topic of debate, or even the fact that the crowd of fundamentalist Christians who came brought with him to assist, by way of demonstration, including some specimens of chimpanzees, who probably was not among the less intelligent present. The accused
was John Thomas Scopes, a teacher of physics, called to substitute in place of a professor of biology (and dean of the school) sick, not even explained in the classroom, but simply assigned the reading of a chapter of the book which talked about of evolution as a reality check for an exam.
so doing had violated the Tennessee law, which came into force in March of that year, called the Butler Act, which declared "unlawful for any teacher of any university, school master and all other public schools of the State (...) , to teach any theory that denies the story of Divine Creation of man as is taught in the Bible and teach instead that man is derived from a lower order of animals. "
The lawyers who took to the field were among the most famous in America at that time to defend Clarence Darrow (Spencer Tracy movie), and William Jennings Bryan for the prosecution, already more time presidential candidate and U.S. Secretary of State under President Woodrow Wilson, at the time of World War I, the following was enormous, national newspapers gave wide coverage to each other and the process was broadcast in the United States .
Scopes had violated the law and was sentenced, but the judge inflicted paltry fine, plus that was later canceled.
version epic and heroic film of the story, Scopes was persecuted, Darrow defended him beating the prehistoric Bryan, and the sentence was inconsistent and not applied the triumph of reason sull'oscurantismo.
In fact, the game shares underlying the process was such that its outcome was in fact a defeat mocking and burning.
The Butler Act violated the principles of freedom of expression and academic freedom, and it was clearly written in favor of particular religious groups, so it was unconstitutional from the top down, so kerosene; was approved by negligence of the opposition, and Governor Peay of Tennessee to the counter as if to spite the Senate that would have avoided the embarrassment of his mouth, thinking that anyway would never have been applied (the same lawyer Bryan had lobbied in the drafting of the law because it did not include penalties, to make it a harmless statement of principles).
The American Civil Liberties Union offered to give support and sustain the legal costs for any teacher who had defied the law absurd. The intention was to test the law in the urban environment conducive to Chattanooga, but Rappaleya George, a prominent businessman from Dayton, found it striking that a process would provide cheap publicity to his tiny town, so the alternative to liberal ideas Scopes was approached to offer themselves as guinea pigs (the teacher and principal owner was one of the most conservative families in the county and never could afford) for the "process-test". Scopes deliberately violated the law and invited his students to testify against him, Bryan volunteered his services to the charge and did the same Darrow for the defense, but the purpose of both was to obtain a conviction symbolic Bryan to defend the law as a safeguard of Christian principles, but not punitive for the freedom of teachers to be able to use Darrow to the Supreme Court and demonstrate the obvious unconstitutionality of the law to obtain the cancellation, the entirely predictable outcome. The ancient Bryan was actually defeated and humiliated in the process, and the judge sentenced Scopes setting of its own fine of $ 100, a figure well small to have threatened the credibility of the Bible.
But the Tennessee law required that fines of $ 50 should be determined by the jury and not by the court, and therefore the penalty was annulled. Deleted the sentence, you lost the opportunity to appeal to the Supreme Court, and the Butler Act remained in force until 1967: all for an error of $ 50 in the Judge Raulston quantify the fine.
Also, Bryan's lawyer, ridiculed the hearing came, unwittingly taken the measure that allowed him to immediately regain the prestige lost, he died in Dayton a week after the trial, and in honor of the Bryan College has remained the major fundamental institutions of the town.
shelved forever the possibility of banning the teaching of evolution in schools, were the most bigoted of rural America, the blind defense of the biblical creation went on winding roads in 1973, yet passed the Senate in Tennessee (and not far: 69 votes to 16) the "bill on Genesis" which prescribed two remarkable things: 1) in all the textbooks should have been exposed to the statement that any idea about "the origin and creation of man and His world (...) is not represented as a scientific fact. " The Bible, however, was considered a work of reference and not a book text, and thus exempt from that statement, 2) should be granted equal time to teaching evolution and creation.
The law was unconstitutional because it burnt out after a few years, but the false liberality and apparent impartiality of the "equal time teaching" spread to contaminate the school curricula of many other states along the 80 (at that time Ronald Reagan was able to demonstrate his abysmal ignorance by raising doubts about the validity of evolution in a series of rallies in front of his fundamentalist groups likely voters in Dallas, at the dawn of its long and disastrous presidency).
from defeat to defeat, creationists persist in groped to pervade the teaching school science with their religious doctrine, in forms more and more strips, and a new awkward attempt to blend took place at the dawn of this century with the attempt to introduce "intelligent design" as an alternative to evolution in science texts and programs school (without explicitly naming the Creation). The reference is still the intellectual William Paley's Natural Theology, one of the most authoritative texts pre-Darwinian 's 800, and then abused with the famous clock metaphor: the existence of a complex mechanism and refined as a clock implies mind of a watchmaker, and thus the complexity of living beings ... and so on. Metaphor recovery purposes confutatorio by Richard Dawkins reductionist iron in the title of his 1986 book "The Blind Watchmaker" (and paraphrase is a paraphrase of the title of the blog of Zoology "The watchmaker shortsighted that are among my favorites on the right).
The Intelligent Design hoax crashed against a court in 2005 in the Kitzmiller trial, in Pennsylvania, Judge Jones ruled that "intelligent design is not science and can not be separated from its creationist, and thus religious assumptions; and therefore violates the First Amendment of the Constitution.
Crafted out of the classroom and ended up in the attic even intelligent design, the new strategy for groped at least leave the door open the teaching of Creationism Science is even more subterranean: the ultimate proporrre is the teaching of "strengths and weaknesses" of evolution, in order to stimulate "critical thinking and analysis of the students on the theories taught." On the surface, this language should be embraced with favor, also proposed legislation on the teaching of "strengths and weaknesses" have been presented in several states do not wish to promote any religious doctrine. But the fact that proponents refer to such laws Discovery Institute, which had been the most militant supporter of Intelligent Design, the Family Action Council, and the Christian Focus on the Family that qualifies its members as "Supporters of biblical values" and "official of the deity" leaves little doubt about the real aims. Currently, the ambiguous language in the definition of curriculum evolution seems to have made its way into Texas and Louisiana, and apparently already dead in committee in Oklahoma and New Mexico, while it may have to have a good chance of passing the parliamentary scrutiny, yet Once in Tennessee, where the law for the teaching of "strengths and weaknesses" was presented in February.
The main proponent is David Fowler (Family Action Council), which explicitly states that his bill aims to protect those who want to teach the concept of Intelligent Design, which was declared unconstitutional a few years ago. When asked about being a creationist who claims that the Earth is only a few thousand years, Fowler says that "this is not relevant", but states that "... these evolutionary scientists have become the modern equivalent of those who tried to silence the teacher John Scopes in 1925, claiming to restrict even an objective discussion of strengths and weaknesses of evolutionary theory. "
Saturday, March 12, 2011
What Women Get Jealous
Talvolta non riesco a capire quanto la critica di Aldo Grasso, dalle pagine del Corriere, sia efficace e sui contenuti o sia solo succube del ricatto del contenuto. Finché parla dello strumento televisione propone spunti interessanti, talvolta, però, la sua critica pare fiacca e sfuocata. Come nel caso di Saviano .
Io ne condivido lo stimolo di fondo: credo sia reale incorrere nel rischio di imbarcarsi in un ruolo che, più che essere di salvatore, esclude gli italiani dal proprio impegno civico e li ingaggia in una lotta personalistica. Grasso ha colto il campo della questione, ma non ne ha colto i termini corretti: non è vero che Saviano si propone come Gesù; inoltre le sue pause restano oggetto of satire, but not critical, because it breaks alongside the content of the arguments, for now impeccable. If the stories are rhetorical, you may notice that the rhetoric hints when Saviano speaks of himself (but, again, is the way to be rhetorical, not the content, not the reasoning) and not when he speaks of mafia or machine mud. The distinction that grease can not do is between the content of the reasoning of Saviano and the way they are presented. And then, not on content but on something of an accessory.
The confusion of his critics, however, gives way to the right side, which now can attack Saviano because they are afraid of the arguments, because they are afraid the ability move to the commitment of those who prefer sleeping brain. The blurring of indistinction
between rhetoric tone and content of reasoning is, however, that the same Saviano says about the car of the mud. What is a case, I do not know. That the Courier is losing its editorial independence, seems to me that the laws sull'accumilo information that this government wants to adopt, make realistic and disturbing.
Saviano Yet one can criticize, although it is something else than Labor. And without that criticism is at odds with the ' praise that I have done recently. Because the risk is always to empower him to distinguish those now we are awakening the conscience and that, accordingly, we fall asleep again. However, latent risk is remote and quite distinct from itself as Savior. Of the two, but perhaps not the grease can say is that Saviano will become a television personality, confined there by the interest of the mafia.
Then it will be important for us to fight against this "famous" segregation to TV critics in some ways much worse than the 41 a un'ergastolo ...
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Are Basque People Like A Regular Spaniard
"In theory," said Jakub very slowly, "in theory could do to others exactly what others have done to him. [...]".
"You are truly wonderful!" Olga cried, turning, plural with that, thousands of Jakub. "As for you, all men are murderers, your murders cease to be a crime and become an indispensable feature of mankind."
"Most uoini move in a circle between the idyllic home and work," said Jakub. "They live in safe ground, away from the good and evil. I am truly frightened at the sight of a man who kills. And yet, just get them out of this quiet area so that they become killers without even knowing how. There are trials and temptations to which the ' Humanity is submitted only at certain periods of history. And no one will resist. But it is useless to talk about it. For you know that no matter what, theoretically, would been able to do your father, however, because there is no way to prove it. The only thing that should be of interest is what he did or did not do. And in this sense, he had a clear conscience. "
M. Kundera, The Farewell Waltz, p. 73.
Periods Due Today But My Cervix Is High And Soft?
From Done: interview with a Moroccan officials that the Italians have attempted to bribe to change the date of birth of Ruby. So nothing will change, but we serve as a lesson to see how far we have come in Italy: it is normal to be bought by us (Parliament House, football in all places ). In countries in which there is rule of law, no: corruption scares
money to change the age of Ruby
Who sent them? Blitz
two emissaries to Morocco to falsify certificates and make the girl older. Berlusconi
thus saving a woman have? No. Not this time. This time, power, money and power have not had anything. A lady of forty, the public officer of a remote town in Morocco, he chose to do his duty, not to barter her dignity with what for her was a pile of money. Behind anonymity Fatima (the name is fictional) has agreed to tell the newspaper what happened Done. A month ago, two Italian, accompanied by a Moroccan interpreter, came here in Fkih Ben Salah, at the foot of the Atlas Mountains. Occurred in the town hall and asked her to change the personal data of a certain Karima El Marough. Yeah, you, Ruby, the underage girl who had sex with Silvio Berlusconi paid. The couple of foreigners had in mind a definite plan. And that is why they asked Fatima, director of municipal administration, to become their accomplice. Here it is, the plan, substituting a document with another, you disappear for some time a public register and you're done. Ruby, who was born in Fkih November 1, 1992, would suddenly aged a couple of years. Just enough to make at least eighteen years old at the time of his acquaintance with the Premier. Problem solved, so why pay a prostitute age is not a crime.
The Sultan of Arcore
Here, then, served a mission in Morocco of the two Italians. Was used to stack the deck, to change the features of the story for five months held hostage in the Berlusconi government and the whole of our country. At first glance it might seem like a scam well thought out and not too expensive. Fkih, 90 000 inhabitants, is a poor town in the middle of a depressed area, sparsely populated by massive emigration to Italy, France and Spain. There is no family here, that does not have any relatives in Europe. Landed in Sicily is more than twenty years ago, Ruby's father, Mohammed El Marough, who lives in Letojanni, near Messina. Then, they must have reasoned the two mysterious Italian, a substantial tip, a few thousand euro, would set in motion the bureaucracy of the place. They were wrong. Fatima has become corrupt. She refused to put his hand to the documents which relate to that his fellow citizens affected by sudden notoriety across the Mediterranean. Fatima, to be honest, did not even know who this Karima. Gliel'hanno explained a few days after his relatives living in Italy. They have been told of a prime minister that fills the house of girls with whom he spent happy nights. They told the bunga bunga. And who knows what he thought of her, Muslim woman, listening to the erotic adventures of Silvio the Sultan of Arcore. Of this preferred not to talk with us. Modesty, perhaps. But the story of two Italian travelers to Fkih away, that no, that just could not keep him for themselves. In mid-February, through a relative, Fatima has contacted the daily. Two weeks of testing. Then the journey on location in Morocco, to gather his evidence and new facts that can clarify the situation. Here, then, the story of Fatima sent to the daily act. "On the morning of February 7 called me out of my office," he says. "There were three. Two spoke Italian. " It is safe. He knows the sound of that language, thanks to his family emigrated. Then there was an interpreter, a Moroccan, a distinct type. "I seemed to understand - remember Fatima - that he came from Italy, perhaps from Milan."
Operation Before the remodeling
explained that they wanted to look at the documents that the registrar of Karima. Then they made it clear that the date of birth recorded on the public registry is not the right one. And then it might be necessary to correct the error with a new act to insert the right year, 1990, instead of 1992. To understand in bottom of this strange story you must know that in small towns in Morocco the registry is not computerized. The newborns are registered in libroni handwritten and completed in chronological order. An archaic system, of course. Paradoxically, however, make up the numbers on a computer may be easier to falsify one of these registers. To do a perfect job should rewrite the whole volume, omitting the page you want to change. Then he does the same job on the register for two years before, but here instead of deleting it adds a sheet, that of the person you want to move the date of birth. If you want there is a shortcut. With the help of an official compliant you can fill out an extract false birth and initially this will be sufficient to deceive the public. The libroni can be arranged later, calmly. So if someone, perhaps after a few months, will go to Morocco to compare the date the extract with that of the log, all coincide.
Obviously those guys who came from Italy were willing to pay for the trouble. "They offered me a substantial sum," says Fatima without specifying the figure. Of course, he confesses, that money would have been useful. He thought a bit, 'enticed. What to do? At the end preferred to let it go because, he says, he did not "get into trouble." And then he thought of Karima. "If I had accepted the offer - he says - I could also create problems in my fellow citizens." Problems with Ruby? Not really. Certainly if the birth date had been really advanced by two years, most of Berlusconi's troubles would be solved by magic. Fall on charges of child prostitution, the premier should have answered one of extortion. Nothing to do.
Assembly of the dates
"I can not accept," said Fatima to his interlocutors, almost apologetically. It was Feb. 7, a Monday. In Italy, at that time no one had publicly raised the question of age of Ruby. Turned a lot of gossip, yes, about a girl with a striking physical, which seemed older than her age. Just rumors, though. Until, Thursday, March 3, the newspaper announced: "The prime minister set the ace: Ruby was of age." This is the title of a full-page article which says that Berlusconi, in some private conversations, he confessed to "have evidence that Ruby was recorded to the registry two years after his birth." The same article speaks of defensive investigations that would have landed "on the other side of the Mediterranean." Investigations here, Fkih Ben Salah, the birthplace of Ruby? Fatima knows nothing. He remembers, however, the two Italians. Two Italians who wanted to corrupt it.
Lorenzo Galeazzi, Vittorio Malagutti and Massimo Paradiso
Friday, March 4, 2011
I Hepatitis B Curable?
You know the World Youth Day? That event for which you meet thousands of young people accompanied by priests and nuns, to sing, pray and listen to the recommendations of the Pope, with the main purpose of occupying half the time of our news?
then taken down the curtains and left a carpet of condoms, but they are certainly not the young men so devoted to use them: the rubber generates itself and emerge at night from the bowels of the earth by Satan, who is plotting actively in league with the Communist press and the secularist relativism to cast shadows and doubt jubilant rally.
This year will be held in Madrid, and dozens of Italian boys have the opportunity to participate freely, travel and subsistence paid. And who is the benefactor? Bishops: the Italian Bishops' Conference is giving away the prize trip through a competition among the parishes.
E 'initiative that has been attributed as not at all mystical and, if I may say, not at all inspired, I feel CUD, and it works like this: the brave youth of the parish will need to address, as a good action in the coming months, to collect the CUD for the elderly and pensioners , for "helping to compile" and submit it to the post office for the presentation. The parish, which collects the most amount of precious CUD elderly wins and sends his kids in prize trip to Madrid.
Is there anything that sound strange? I give you a little help: the certification of the CUD is income from employment or retirement, received, and will not compile. Can be forwarded directly to the Revenue by retirees who have no other income and are exempt.
What "aid" will never parishes in the compilation, if there is nothing to fill in the CUD? Um, almost nothing, except a couple of dettagliucci ... the choice of destination of the 'eight per thousand IRPEF, and that of 5 per thousand. That together make the 'IRPEF 1.3% ... the personal income of a pensioner can not be stratospheric, but it's still a significant part.
revenue by eight per thousand of the Catholic Church had a meltdown in recent years, with the emergence of the spread of child abuse. Now he really wants to remedy past abuses retirees.