Thursday, March 10, 2011

Are Basque People Like A Regular Spaniard

"In theory," said Jakub very slowly, "in theory could do to others exactly what others have done to him. [...]".
"You are truly wonderful!" Olga cried, turning, plural with that, thousands of Jakub. "As for you, all men are murderers, your murders cease to be a crime and become an indispensable feature of mankind."
"Most uoini move in a circle between the idyllic home and work," said Jakub. "They live in safe ground, away from the good and evil. I am truly frightened at the sight of a man who kills. And yet, just get them out of this quiet area so that they become killers without even knowing how. There are trials and temptations to which the ' Humanity is submitted only at certain periods of history. And no one will resist. But it is useless to talk about it. For you know that no matter what, theoretically, would been able to do your father, however, because there is no way to prove it. The only thing that should be of interest is what he did or did not do. And in this sense, he had a clear conscience. "

M. Kundera, The Farewell Waltz, p. 73.


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