You know the World Youth Day? That event for which you meet thousands of young people accompanied by priests and nuns, to sing, pray and listen to the recommendations of the Pope, with the main purpose of occupying half the time of our news?
then taken down the curtains and left a carpet of condoms, but they are certainly not the young men so devoted to use them: the rubber generates itself and emerge at night from the bowels of the earth by Satan, who is plotting actively in league with the Communist press and the secularist relativism to cast shadows and doubt jubilant rally.
This year will be held in Madrid, and dozens of Italian boys have the opportunity to participate freely, travel and subsistence paid. And who is the benefactor? Bishops: the Italian Bishops' Conference is giving away the prize trip through a competition among the parishes.
E 'initiative that has been attributed as not at all mystical and, if I may say, not at all inspired, I feel CUD, and it works like this: the brave youth of the parish will need to address, as a good action in the coming months, to collect the CUD for the elderly and pensioners , for "helping to compile" and submit it to the post office for the presentation. The parish, which collects the most amount of precious CUD elderly wins and sends his kids in prize trip to Madrid.
Is there anything that sound strange? I give you a little help: the certification of the CUD is income from employment or retirement, received, and will not compile. Can be forwarded directly to the Revenue by retirees who have no other income and are exempt.
What "aid" will never parishes in the compilation, if there is nothing to fill in the CUD? Um, almost nothing, except a couple of dettagliucci ... the choice of destination of the 'eight per thousand IRPEF, and that of 5 per thousand. That together make the 'IRPEF 1.3% ... the personal income of a pensioner can not be stratospheric, but it's still a significant part.
revenue by eight per thousand of the Catholic Church had a meltdown in recent years, with the emergence of the spread of child abuse. Now he really wants to remedy past abuses retirees.
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