Monday, December 14, 2009

How To Sell Fudge On Internet

KNOW WHAT' AND 'THE DIFFERENCE between Berlusconi and his attacker?

... THE SECOND WILL 'Process.

Aggression in Milan during a meeting of the Young People of Freedom by a man in his forties to the Prime Minister pluriindagato for various crimes and was always indicted or acquitted. The attacker will certainly tried for assault but Silviuccio? When will be prosecuted? Never?

Meanwhile, the TG4 Emilio Fido's evening now takes up the defense of his dear Silvio Berlusconi attacked the secretary of the PRC Ferrero as if he hits something in the aggression and the puppet Di Pietro. ( )

On the other hand by someone like Berlusconi in each conference and conference incites violence and hatred, one pluriindagato what we have expected?

delinquent They call this person who "dared" to draw an object nano ..... drooling while he escapes to a variety of processes is a saint .......... But in what country are we?

Here's how I see it is good I Silvio, A REAL MAN WITH BALLS! How to consider him.


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