Thursday, February 3, 2011

Tattoo And Female Genital

The appeal of the event 13 of Gad Lerner

Other than sexual freedom. It's the same beauty of love, the pursuit of pleasure in reciprocity, to suffer an attack. So as to cause frustration in males, the fall of the desires, impulses sopraffattrici, mortification eros virtual porn.

Only in this sense we can recognize that we are ourselves victims of the offense to the dignity of woman. Of course he is right when Sister Rita Giaretta Caserta denounces the legitimacy come from the top of the institutional power of sale into slavery of the body (not only but primarily female) to the lower rungs of the social ladder. It is indignant, Sister Rita, for the cynicism with which the male part of our society seems to accept it as normal. But precisely because this habit is cemented by a mass popular culture in Berlusconi's television for decades vulgar tread - and where his private habits are the caricature paroxysmal - The reaction can and must be female and male together. Far from sexual phobia, the uprising female involves human beings in a common project of dignity which is the foundation of civilization. The party of love was the most mocking of the premier political scam investigated for aiding and abetting the prostitution of minors. But the difficult construction of love, as well as remind us of our most talented songwriters, is the deep fatigue that is worth living.


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