Monday, August 29, 2005
Summer Snowboarding, Teflon Run
Brindisi, August 29 (Adnkronos) - Both parents of the Milan prosecutors investigating magistrate Clementina Forleo died in a car accident that occurred last night on the road between Francavilla Fontana and Sava, in Brindisi. This is Gaspar Forleo, 77, former mayor of the city ', and his wife Stella Bungaro, 75 years.
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Pinguecula Dissapeared
remember TRUE or FALSE?
the network
According to international rules and bilateral agreements, no Cuban citizen can enter the territory of another state without first obtaining a visa, regardless of the reason for the visit: for tourism, work, study or for health reasons.
course, the Republic of Cuba has its own regulation of migration seen in the legal instruments that the country is given.
Recently, the press Italian Corriere della Sera, La Repubblica and , both aware of the existing regulations in our country concerning the conduct of the journalistic activity by foreign professionals sent to Cuba sent their equipped only with the tourist card deliberate intention to violate those regulations , as was amply demonstrated by way of acting in such post where Cuban national territory, from the outset, they have worked as a journalist. Neither sent returnees had asked the relevant visa for entry into the Republic of Cuba
As a result, the Cuban authorities shall have proceeded to act in accordance with the laws governing the exercise of the foreign press Cuba
Both the press, in violating the laws of another state and open provocation to our authorities, have thereby demonstrated an irresponsible attitude . As for the Corriere della Sera, the case is even more serious as this newspaper had received a clear signal that the Cuban authorities would not allow entry into the country from a correspondent who had not submitted the request even accreditation, as occurred on a previous occasion, when another journalist of the same newspaper had been re-embark.
treatment information given to those facts has unleashed a new campaign against Cuba by suggesting that the public was prevented two journalists the exercise of their profession, while it is silent on the real reasons that led to their return, namely the violation of the laws of our country . E 'also passed over in silence the dishonesty, manipulative and not very objective, as in many other occasions, is applied against Cuba by the media.
Unlike the above mentioned, the press Italians (including a major television channel), which, in accordance with the regulations, have asked to send a group to carry out their journalistic activities in this period, they have received 'permission and the relevant visa. This highlights clearly our willingness to accept and leave work every professional acting seriously respecting institutions and laws of Cuba.
Rome, May 23, 2005 -
Friday, May 20, 2005
How Do The Proof Of Abortion Papers Look Like
The journalist had been detained by police in Havana as he followed a meeting of dissidents
Cuba, sent the Courier released after the intervention of the Ministry
Fini had undergone summoned the Cuban ambassador in Rome
Honeys: "A story that shows the nature of illiberal regimes"
HAVANA - should return to Italy in the coming hours Francesco Battistini of Corriere della Sera sent to Cuba, stopped by police Havana. The journalist the island was to follow the proceedings of the meeting of dissidents Assembly to promote civil society "when a text message with , informed colleagues of the editorial in Italy he was stopped by Cuban police.
The Italian foreign minister, Gianfranco Fini just had confirmation of the measure against the Italian journalist, was immediately summoned the Cuban ambassador intervened in Rome, and demanding the immediate release of Battistini.
"We were alerted by an SMS Battistini" he told Paul Hare, Deputy Foreign Editor's Daily Via Solferino, which had expressed concern about: "We know that equal treatment other journalists have suffered in recent days. I just hope that does not suffer mistreatment .
The editor of Corriere della Sera, Paolo Mieli , had issued a note: " Pending official confirmation of the news coming from Havana, I express all my anger for the detention of our colleague Francesco Battistini, arrested in Cuba. " The statement also revealed that already a few days ago another journalist of the Corriere della Sera, Rocco Cotroneo, was stopped at the border and forced to back down. According
Mieli, the episode highlights the will Cuban authorities to gag the freedom of information in the international press. "The editor of the newspaper asked" the immediate release of Mr Battistini to put an end to a heinous act that shows the nature of that regime is deeply illiberal .
In the evening, followed pitch made by the Ministry in calling the Cuban ambassador in Rome, the authorities in Havana have made known, through the same diplomat, Francesco Battistini that will be embarked on the first available flight to return to Italy .
(May 20, 2005)
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Cable Knit Hat With Bill Pattern
" This figure speaks for itself: and 'a tragedy, the country is collapsing, and the situation' very grave . E 'Vincenzo Visco's comment to the GDP estimates provided today by ISTAT. Former Minister of Economy and exponent Ds says that if this estimate will be 'confirmed in subsequent quarters, the deficit / GDP in 2005 "will go' certainly more than 4%." But, he added, "That 's the least concern about the fact that our economy is falling apart." For Visco, the data also reflected "a drop in employment. Otherwise - he concluded - not even explain the data on industrial production. short, things are really turning for the worse . "() 05.12.2005
Thursday, May 5, 2005
Free Kates Playground Zipsets
We expect a sell-off actions to" junk "
outraged reaction from Detroit:" Cash and adequate liquidity "to de-
Titles GM and Ford
For S & P "junk bond"
"skepticism about the strategies of management"
ROME - "Junk", that is rubbish . This became Standard & Poor's actions of General Motors and Ford . Not only the securities were downgraded to BB rating, that of "junk bonds", according to the agency but also the outlook, or the prospects of both companies, are negative.
In particular with regard to Ford, the downgrade, the rating agency said, reflects "the skepticism of the possibility that management's strategies are sufficient to meet the growing competition." S & P says it's also worried by the prospect that the field of sport utilities is no longer as profitable as in the past. There are also doubts about the ability of the sector SUVs, large SUVs, to generate the profitability achieved in the past.
The only response for now, come by the car manufacturer from Detroit who claims to have "adequate cash and liquidity." The agency has decided to downgrade the rating debt after GM reported the worst quarter of the last 13 years. At 31 December 2004, the automotive giant was counting on $ 300 billion in loans and bonds: GM says the most ever cut to junk company. Since 2001, Standard & Poor's has lowered three times the rating of the company.
Debt Gm hours are likely to suffer a sell-off since the investment fund may not hold in its portfolio securities classified as "junk." Meanwhile on Wall Street, GM has responded with a fall titles have lost more than 4 percent, while Ford shares were down 4.9.
(May 5, 2005)
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Visiora Foundation Uk
Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 18:25
Steel: 62% Severstal completes acquisition Lucchini "
Di (Red-Tog/Ct/Adnkronos)
Milan, 20 April. (Adnkronos) - The group Russian Severstal completed the acquisition the majority of the Lucchini, one of the leading steel groups in Italy . The shareholders of the companies' Brescia, meeting today in Milan at the meeting, approved a capital increase from 450 million euro, which Severstal has participated with 430 mln. The shareholding then Severstal sees 62% , family Lucchini to 29% and 9% other shareholders.
------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------
Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 19:13
Steel: 62% Severstal completes acquisition Lucchini (2)
Di (Red-Tog/Opr/Adnkronos)
(Adnkronos) - Lucchini thanked the outgoing mayors and administrators, in particular Enrico Bondi. ''We believe that the decisions taken at the shareholders 'meeting will begin a strategic and lasting partnerships between the group Severstal and Lucchini family and all stakeholders of the Societa' Italian-Makhov, said all parties involved in the transaction have the opportunity 'to benefit and learn from the experiences of each.''
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Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 19:18
a href = "http://it "> Steel: Severstal completes acquisition 62% Lucchini (3)
Di (Red-Tog/Opr/Adnkronos)
(Adnkronos) - On 8 February 2005, the group Severstal and Lucchini SpA have signed an agreement to acquire 62% stake in the companies' Italian . On 12 April the same year the European Commission gave its approval to the operation. For the finalization of this agreement Severstal and Lucchini were supported by financial advisors Citigroup and Lazard , respectively. Delfino Wilkie Farr and Gallagher 'was the legal advisor to Severstal and Lucchini worked Grimaldi e Associati, Studio Legale Tracanella McDermott Will and Emery Carnelutti . Marsh acted as' Environmental Advisor of on behalf of Severstal.
------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------
Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 19:24
Steel: 62% Severstal completes acquisition Lucchini (4)
Di (Red-Tog/Opr/Adnkronos)
(Adnkronos) - Net revenues reached 6.4 billion dollars, twice the 2003 , with an EBITDA of 2.4 billion dollars (compared with 1 billion). Net income and 'state of 1.3 billion dollars (+127%) . The Lucchini Group, founded by Luigi Lucchini after World War II, and 'one of the largest in Europe in the long products steel quality 'and special. Count 9 thousand employees and has facilities in Italy, France, Poland, Britain and Sweden.
Italian company, history, leader in Europe, to +127% gains, too many positive things to be Italian: Sold!
Spotting Then Bleeding With Twins
Wednesday, April 20 2005, 18:25
Steel: 62% Severstal completes acquisition Lucchini "
Di (Red-Tog/Ct/Adnkronos)
Milan, 20 April. (Adnkronos) - The Russian group Severstal completed the acquisition the majority of the Lucchini, one of the leading steel groups in Italy . The shareholders of the companies' Brescia, meeting today in Milan at the meeting, approved a capital increase from 450 million euro, which Severstal has participated with 430 mln. The shareholding then Severstal sees 62% , family Lucchini to 29% and 9% other shareholders.
---------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------
Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 19:13
Steel: Severstal Lucchini Complete Acquisition of 62% (2)
Di (Red-Tog/Opr/Adnkronos)
(Adnkronos) - Lucchini thanked the mayors and administrators leavers, in particular Enrico Bondi. ''We believe that the decisions taken at the shareholders 'meeting will begin a strategic and lasting partnerships between the group Severstal and Lucchini family and all stakeholders of the Societa' Italian-Makhov, said all parties involved in the transaction have the opportunity 'to benefit and learn from the experiences of each.''
------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------
Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 19:18
Steel: Severstal Lucchini Complete Acquisition of 62% (3)
Di (Red-Tog/Opr/Adnkronos)
(Adnkronos) - On 8 February 2005, the group Severstal and Lucchini SpA have signed an agreement to acquire 62% stake in the companies' Italian. On 12 April the same year the European Commission gave its approval to the operation. For the finalization of this agreement Severstal and Lucchini were supported by financial advisors Citigroup and Lazard , respectively. Delfino Wilkie Farr and Gallagher 'was the legal advisor to Severstal and Lucchini worked Grimaldi e Associati, Studio Legale Tracanella McDermott Will and Emery Carnelutti . Marsh acted as' Environmental Advisor of on behalf of Severstal.
------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------
Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 19:24
Steel: 62% Severstal completes acquisition Lucchini (4)
Di (Red-Tog/Opr/Adnkronos)
(Adnkronos) - Net revenues reached 6.4 billion dollars, twice the 2003 , with an EBITDA of 2.4 billion dollars (compared with 1 billion). Net income and 'state of 1.3 billion U.S. dollars (+127%) . The Lucchini Group, founded by Luigi Lucchini after World War II, and 'one of the largest in Europe in the quality of steel long products', and special. Count 9 thousand employees and has facilities in Italy, France, Poland, Britain and Sweden.
Italian company, history, leader in Europe, to +127% gains, too many positive things to be Italian: Sold!
Free Kundali Matching Online
by A Math Lesson
News a few days ago:
"According to press reports, the U.S. soldiers were acquitted of misconduct in the shooting that involved an Italian journalist and a secret agent last month in Baghdad.
<< L'auto era a circa 120 metri dal posto di blocco quando i soldati fecero dei segnali luminosi per intimare l'alt. Spararono poi dei colpi di avvertimento quando l'auto arrivò a 80 metri dal posto di blocco, ma quando giunse a 60 metri spararono per colpire. Calipari fu ucciso e la Sgrena ferita. >>
Sgrena told CBS that the car proceeded at a speed of about 48 km / h. At 48 miles an hour the vehicle travels 13.65 meters in one second. Thus, according to the U.S. Army, the soldiers fired warning shots 2.7 seconds after the light signals, and used "brute force" 2.3 seconds later. Therefore, if the reconstruction of the American military authorities is correct and if the car was traveling really "high speed", to be generous to assume only 72 km per hour, this means that covered 20 yards in a second, implying a , 8 seconds between the light signals and warning shots and 1.6 seconds between warning shots and deadly blows.
There are variables to consider, but the typical times perception + reaction are in the order of 1.5 seconds, which is the time elapsing between the perception of the problem (such as a signal of danger) and the action to move the foot on the brake. This means that, using the version of the military, shot himself in the vehicle less than 0.3 seconds after the start of any possible slowdown, even assuming that the vehicle's occupants were on alert and had understood immediately that the flashing lights accounted for a stop sign.
However they are still over-estimated 0.3 seconds, as the guards, trying to figure out if the car was responding to their stop signs have their reaction times, so in facts they have pulled the trigger even before they had the chance to see if the car was actually slowing down. And likewise, although the assumption that the so-called warning shots had any use, once again the fatal shots were fired long before those warning of the possibility of sorting had any effect.
And on this basis, the military are "autoassolti" accusation of misconduct.
translation: Shark
Mexicanas Cachondas Follando
The charge: the thirteen major industries agreed to carve up the market for medicines in the ASL of nineteen
"billboard pushing up prices, "Antitrust
against big drug
The file open after the investigation of the Guardia di Finanza
MARCO Mensur
LONDON - The antitrust authority has opened a file on the Italian branches of the thirteen major pharmaceutical companies who would, allegedly, made a maxi-cartel to divide the whole market the drug in public nineteen cities (including Rome, Naples, Bologna, Turin and Cagliari). Thus they decided for years how the award of various contracts and, more importantly, would keep prices high of pharmaceutical, vaccines and even disinfectants.
antitrust initiative, which could result in a fine unprecedented originates from a criminal investigation initiated by the Special Unit for the Protection of Competition and market the Guardia di Finanza. After two years of investigation and wiretaps of six months, the military had identified two separate conspiracy to rigging the auction.
The first was composed of representatives of corporations Glaxo-Smith-Kline , Pharmacia & Upjohn, Roche and Astrazeneca that would pre-determined (with confidential agreement valid throughout Italy) are the winners of procurement of medicines. The same Astrazeneca together with seven other companies, including Esoform , Pierrel , Braun and Asta Medica , would instead divided public contracts for disinfectants and detergents health. The cartel was divided in two the Italian market for medications, the first "sign" would be awarded the supply of drugs, vaccines and blood products to hospitals in Bologna, Pordenone, Sondrio, Naples, Caserta and Caltagirone (Catania). The second one had a monopoly in the sale of disinfectants to local health authorities in Rome, Benevento, Salerno, Cagliari, Livorno, Naples, Turin and Fermo (Ascoli).
searches came from the evidence as found by tapping: all races with whom he had spoken in phone calls had been won by the cartel. But the process was all in vain, because the law on wiretaps stipulates that these be made "solely by means of the equipment installed in the proxy, where, however, lacked the space. The measure with which authorized the prosecutor to the barracks was not sufficiently motivated and that the court does not consider them part of the process and decided for a full acquittal.
But now the cards in this investigation, including wiretaps, they were acquired by the antitrust authorities in recent days that has already begun his interrogation. A fast-paced.
(April 20, 2005)
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Chennai Bus Station Kmbd
by republic
Fifty years ago, the H2N2 ("Asian") killed a million people now
kits were sent to laboratories in 4000 by an American company
WHO warns
"Outbreak sent by mistake "
E 'also arrived in Italy to the U.S. base of Camp Ederle (Vicenza)
" The samples should be immediately destroyed. " Interogazione
of parliamentary ARTURO Zampaglione
NEW YORK - Propagatosi from China to the rest of the world, the Asian flu virus in 1957-58 killed more than a million people (some estimates even talk of four million), before being isolated and defeated. In Italy the school started a month late. No one then thought that this virus, known in the scientific world with the initials H2N2, could be used for bioterrorism. But times have changed. And two weeks ago when the WHO, the UN organization in charge of health, was informed of the discovery of the same virus in a Canadian laboratory, it was feared a biological attack such as that described by Judith Miller in the bestseller or Germ in many other Hollywood movies. In fact, it was a mistake: a trivial mistake, but no less disturbing.
"The strain of the Asian was sent by mistake to over 4 thousand laboratories in 18 countries," said Klaus Stohr, head of the flu to WHO. Among them, including the laboratory of the American barracks "Ederle in Vicenza, home of the Airborne Brigade 173ma. "We immediately alerted the health authorities of various countries," Stohr added, "and was asked to research centers to destroy the samples received."
engineers were put to work yesterday and the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), the federal agency in Atlanta that deals with infectious diseases, has sought to reassure the public. "Even if the risks are very low, we are doing everything possible to limit the incident and minimize the dangers," he said in a hastily convened press conference the director of the CDC, Julie Serberding. Which reminded the last case of Asia occurred in 1968 and since then no one in the U.S., was more exposed to the virus. Even flu vaccines used today do not contain the Asian strain. You know, this population is very vulnerable.
origin of the accident is the old practice of the College of American Pathologist to post on a regular basis to certain strains of influenza laboratories around the world to test their ability to detect viruses. They are often sent samples of influenza strains most famous and popular, but in September last year - for reasons still unclear - the company Meridian Bioscience, Cincinnati, acting on behalf of the American College of Pathologist, included in the kit of pathogens including the H2N2.
The majority of these "letter bomb" is over in the laboratories of the States. But fourteen samples were delivered in Canada (and it is there, the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg has been discovered for the first time the error) and 61 more kits were made in several countries, including Italy. In theory, the laboratory technicians had to use every precaution possible to analyze the samples. "But prudence is never enough," he insisted yesterday Serberding: so that the CDC has ordered the labs to send a written confirmation by fax, of the destruction of the Asian strains and asked to closely monitor the health of employees. And every sneeze suspect will trigger the alarm. Even George W.
Bush, yesterday, came out in the open about the incident of the virus, by saying to his spokesman, Scott McClellan, the White House is closely following the issue and gives a "high priority" strategic destruction of the strains. In Italy the deputy
ds Grazia Labate has asked the government to report immediately on the alert of the WHO and the measures taken to curb the problem. "The error is serious," said the DS, "because it could trigger a new epidemic." One hypothesis, of course, is that the strain falling into the hands of criminals or terrorists could use to blackmail him public opinion or as a weapon of mass destruction, causing an apocalyptic scenario such as "Andromeda," "Outbreak" and other Hollywood movies.
(April 14, 2005)
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Will Alcahol Mess Up My Period
Swiss bank official was to be heard by prosecutors in Milan
Milan, April 12, 2005 - He killed a former official of the Bank of Canton Grisons in Switzerland after being summoned to a deposition as a witness by prosecutors in Milan and Francesco Greek Carlo Nocerino, the investigation of Parmalat owners, who wanted to hear the letters rogatory through the questions posed by the federal prosecutor Pierluigi Pasi.
The official had been fired by the bank in Switzerland in December 2003 opening of the Parmalat case, and since then had big problems with alcoholism that according to what has been learned would in large part responsible for the tragic gesture.
The suicide took place on Thursday last week, when prosecutors in Milan were away at Chur, where the headquarters of the Bank of Grisons cantonal institution, to query letters rogatory for 4 people as witnesses. 2 of these at the end of the investigation have been indicted by the Swiss authorities that have long since opened a dossier in relation to the Parmalat affair assumed the charge recycling, the same survey in disputed excerpt in Milan, but that is about to be moved to Parma for reasons of competence. Both
by prosecutors in Milan and the prosecutor in Bern federal investigation for money laundering are Luis Moncada and Antonio Luzi, Luca Sala, Bank of America, Nino Giuralarocca first director of the Central Bank of Grisons and then with the same tenure at Centrumbank of Liechtenstein Brazilian consultant and lawyer Michael Milford Meto threw defender of Calisto Tanzi.
The official who committed suicide had to be heard on the reasons that led him to put his signature alongside that of Nino Giuralarocca on some operations. His would be a marginal role, but the pm had also convened in order to put on record his explanations with those of other officials. The death of
funziomario was discovered by Swiss police who had gone to look after the man had not been presented by prosecutors to testify. The man who lived alone had impiccato.Al birth of the Parmalat case, the Swiss bank had fired several executives in order, according to investigators, to try to hide their responsibilities .
According to the charge from the place of Chur would play with Bank of America bank of helping to improve the financial situation in the Swiss official Parmalat.Quello group is the second suicide related to Parmalat. On 23 January 2004 Alesssandro Netherlands, one of the accounting Collecchio, jumped from a bridge over the River Ceno, perhaps he had learned that unbeknownst to him like Angelo Ugolotti administrator of some companies and was worried to the point of not being able to hold the tension.
Bank of America and some of its officials, including Luca Sala defendants are before the preliminary hearing judge Cesare Tacconi market manipulation in which the hearing before the summer will be decided on the request of trial concerning 30 individuals and companies including the former owner Tanzi. But in the coming days, more about Bank of America, the Greek PM, Nocerino and a close Fusco Another section of the survey where it is alleged the crime of obstruction of the supervisory activity on the Stock Exchange, Consob. The Italian branch of the institute statuinitense he lied in response to questions raised by 5 commissione.Sala in recent weeks had been heard by the public prosecutor in Milan as a letter rogatory to the Swiss Pasi suspected of money laundering, but makes use of the right to remain silent.
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Cartoon Shaped Birthday Cake
by comedonchisciotte
["Yes, Kouchner lied": some notes by Michel Collon retrace steps of the construction of strategic disinformation on Yugoslavia. Disinformation essential to complete the dismemberment of the country, in the interest of rogue European and U.S. imperialism. A brief look at the war in Bosnia up to the regime of apartheid that Kouchner in Kosovo, first by the colonial administration responsible for the UN in the area, has actively contributed to the realization ... ]
Michel Collon (Translated by Curzio Bettio Relief Popolare di Padova)
The co-author of one of the worst media lies (mediamenzogne) of the nineties began to admit. Instructive for the future, as the tricks of manipulation are always the same ...
Flash-back. Summer 1992, the war in Bosnia. Bernard Kouchner and his "Doctors of the World" spread in the press and a poster on the walls of Paris advertising, expensive and impressive. The montage featured the "prisoners" of Serbian concentration camps in Bosnia. Behind barbed wire fences. Kouchner accompanying the image with a control tower at Auschwitz. The caption accused the Serbs of "mass executions." Information or poisoning? Intoxication, poisoning news, Kouchner admitted twelve years later.
His recent book self, "Warriors of Peace", contains an interview with Izetbegovic (the Muslim nationalist leader in power at the time of Sarajevo), on his deathbed:
Kouchner: They were horrible places, but not systematic mass murder took place there. Did you know you? Izetbegovic: No. The statement of mass destruction was false. There were no extermination camps, whatever the horror of the posts. I thought that my revelations could accelerate the bombing.
Indeed, this media lie did lean towards the public opinion towards support for the bombing. All the Western press had spread the lie in a massive way. But the recent denial is passed over in silence. The public can not learn that he had been duped! The half-confession of Kouchner and the silence of the media pose critical questions: First question
: Kouchner knew long before that it was a lie?
Answer: Yes Since 1993, a journalist for France 2, Jacques Merlino, revealed the deception in a book with an eloquent title "All truths are not good to be said." There was a reported interview with the director of Ruder Finn, U.S. public relations agency, which is very proud, he admitted he had assembled all the elements of the campaign for the "killing fields":
"We tricked (sic ) also three large Jewish organizations: B'nai B'rith, American Jewish Committee and American Jewish Congress. Immediately, we were able to match the public the Serbs with the Nazis. The practice was complex, no knew what was happening in Yugoslavia, but in one fell swoop, we could present a situation with good and evil. "
" mind, "notes the journalist!
Answer: "We are professionals. We are not paid to do with morality. "
So Kouchner knew all a long time and now is not really nice to put all the blame on the shoulders of the dead.
Second question: The media have covered up evidence of deception?
Answer: Yes A German journalist Thomas Deichman, who since 1994 had shown the picture with the barbed wire was rigged, that the "prisoners" is not were just locked up. In fact, a report was taken from ITN, where "prisoners" claiming to be treated well, but the ITN journalist had cut these statements!
can be found in the manifesto of Kouchner's comments Deichmann, and our condemnation of tricks in my book "Poker Menteur." Dated 1998.
So it was not necessary to wait until today to provide a disclaimer:
In a reportage-video "Under the Bombs NATO "(1999), we have also presented images shot by a local television that showed all the falsity of the report ITN.
Third question: Kouchner was protected himself from the "critical media"?
Answer: Yes An example: Daniel Schneidermann ("Judgments sur images", France 5) had contacted us on this issue, we then excluded from the debate as not to damage Kouchner.
There was more interrogation about his media lies about Kosovo and its catastrophic budget plan for this province. We have well said, media lies and mistakes. His career project, which aims to place UN Secretary General makes him do everything to encourage the U.S..
Fourth question: Why should I lodge my story ' simple ", but false?
Answer: To hide the responsibility of the great Western powers in this conflict.
After 1979, the German section of the CIA supported the extremists to do, breaking up Yugoslavia.
In 1989, the IMF imposed neo-liberal pressure to eliminate the self-management and workers' rights, causing the crisis, and nationalism.
In 1991, Germany, before the war, had armed the Croats and Muslim extremists.
Since 1992 to 1995, the U.S. has deliberately prolonged the conflict, as evidenced by the special envoy in Bosnia, Lord Owen.
All of these maneuvers, for what interests? Delete a social system left too, but mainly to control the strategic oil routes and the Balkans. Fifth question: It is to deny all the crimes committed?
Answer: Absolutely not, but when our rulers are trying to drag us through a propaganda war in a situation of "good against evil ', it is important to remind them of their vested interests. And their falsification of information. For example, treating prisoners of camps in Bosnia, the UN had registered six Croats, two Serbs and a Muslim. And it was rather to the concentration camps with a view to trade, not death camps. But the nationalist Croats and Muslims were "our" allies, or "our" agents, and then Kouchner, Bernard-Henri Lévy and other guests standing in the media have falsely them whitewashed, cleansed of sins.
We would like to see brought to justice all the war criminals of all factions in the camp. But this does not apply to the courts bin, put up by the victors' justice, in which the U.S. and NATO have set office above the law, and even far outside the law, because they are violating the Charter of 'UN to all and sundry.
sixth question: Are there other media lies of this war, "that have been successful"?
Answer: Yes. Just one example. When NATO began bombing Yugoslavia in 1999, it was stated that it was a reaction to what NATO described as a "massacre of 40 civilians" by the Yugoslav army, in Racak, a village in Kosovo. Belgrade instead spoke of a fight between two armed groups, led by the separatist Albanian forces.
The UN had ordered a report to a committee of medical experts led by a Finnish doctor, Mrs. Ranta. This confirmed the view of Belgrade. But no media outlet has spoken! The media lie to the general public remains intact.
Why? Why the media lies Kouchner, Bernard-Henri Levy and others have allowed the division of the left and prevented the opposition to an unjust war in reality.
Public opinion, this should be handled! And the next time you restart again.
These issues will soon be the subject of debate in Belgium and in France five years after the NATO intervention in Kosovo, that budget can be drawn? What is today the fate of ethnic minorities? What are the real stakes geopolitical and the U.S. role in these conflicts? Michel Collon
translation of Curtius Bettio Relief Popolare di Padova
For books "Liars' Poker" and "Monopoly" (in English): To ask the Film "The Damned of Kosovo" (in English) and "Under the Bombs NATO "(in French): ask @ nessa.kovic
Saturday, April 9, 2005
Stop C00021a Fatal System Error Fix Without Disk
BARBIE, the doll's most famous and desired the world, hated by feminists, the subject of essays and lectures, wonder, and monster with his huge body and life vanishing, taking pen and paper decided to churn out its version of American history.
Mrs. celluloid, passed unscathed through his forty years without a single wrinkle or stretch mark arrived to mar the personal novel Dorian Gray, author of an editorial is nothing short of encyclopedic: in several volumes, each lasting a decade, chose to tell the story of his hometown. Work in the United States has seen the light earlier this month published by Golden Books .
base year 1964, when he launched the Civil Rights Act, the Civil Rights Act that put an end to segregation laws in force until then. It is no accident, because his ventriloquist, writer for children Linda Lowery, a former baby sitter, a flight attendant, a cook and a painter with "the obsession of the Apes: I love them," was commissioned by Mattel - manufacturer of the doll - to provide a "social conscience", investigating the recent past where the blonde pin up attend the funeral of Martin Luther King , dance track with the Beatles, and provides severe lessons of feminism little sister Skipper.
revenge on all who were accused of food consumption, to encourage young girls to anorexia as did the National Eating Disorder Association in 1994 in a tight campaign in supermarkets stars and stripes. Now she will get in the chair giving lessons. Accompanied by her friends of which are equipped with Ruth Handler and the martyr, who invented in the '59 named after her daughter Barbara.
Dolls that over the decades have become adapted to the modern dancers, college students, astronauts, until the turning point came when ethnic marketed the first black Barbie. Like Christie, in which the first volume with the eloquent title "Peace, Love and Rock 'n' Roll", devotes ample space. Although, to hear Bob Thompson of the Washington Post, seems unrecognizable in the glossy pictures of the first diary.
Sent as a photographer from the newspaper he works for, this Barbie emancipated who abandoned the outfits of pink tulle style Sandra Dee, is accompanied by Christie in Washington for a service on the Reverend Martin Luther King. But the surprise at her side appears a second lady who sports a pink complexion identical to his best friend, there is no trace of dark skin. Questioned on the matter nor the author nor the publisher nor Mattel has been able to give details. Moreover, even dell'afroamericanità the friend is never mentioned. One thing that spinosetta
to undermine the progressive launch of the operation. What you look closely, she shows some obvious gap. The story begins in fact January of '64, six weeks after the assassination of Kennedy . But Barbie seems unaware of the event and makes no mention of it. It still seems more forgetful when ignores the conflict in Vietnam and the Cold War . In those days undertook to enjoy delicious fish and chips. The author explains that it is no coincidence that the reference to food is intended to help young girls suffering from eating disorders to make peace with the weight of the obsession, even though the drawings of Barbie has the same personnel scream doll plastic, saturated fat or not. About the historical forgetfulness
Lowery said the calm that the events depicted are only some particular events of the time. The criteria for choosing? "In the diaries there is nothing that Mattel does not want." The second book, "Red, White and Blue Jeans", is all focused on the bicentennial of the American Revolution, and the platinum miss quite a good job as symbols to celebrate independence and emancipation. And Christie? Problem solved: no.
(April 9, 2005)
Day by day, minute by minute, you might say, the past was made aware of [George Orwell, 1984]
Friday, April 8, 2005
Appointment Confirmation Id Us Visa
Posted on Official Gazette of the decree signed by the Minister Marzano
Glass goodbye, the water will be sealed in bars
From July 19 in all public places, the ore will be served to customers in single-dose bottles
July 19 bars no more water from the tap
ROME - "A glass of water, please." The simplest request bar will disappear soon from the language of the family of an Italian summer's thirsty patrons of public places will serve you a 'sealed unit-dose bottle. " From July 19, in fact, mineral water or spring water can no longer be served in glass containers, but only ad hoc. This was established by the Minister of Productive Activities Antonio Marzano, signed March 24 a decree was published in the Official Journal on Tuesday.
MEASURES TO DRINK - At the bar and table, bar and restaurant owners should be used strictly for consumer water sealed in containers of 125, 250, 330 or 500 ml, thus avoiding tap water. The announcement comes from Italgrob, the Italian federation of wholesalers and distributors of drinks for four years is committed to the implementation of new rules on natural mineral waters.
NEW PACKAGING - The ministerial decree, which was introduced to transpose the European recommendations on the delicate issue of distribution of mineral waters, not just widen the range of containers of mineral water or spring water have been used and prescribed by law. The new packaging - ensures the Ministry - will be more hygienic and elegant the classic glass of water dripped from the tap or poured from bottles already opened . In addition, it will be easily disposed of in bins eliminated and recovery.
HEALTH AND SAFETY - The main purpose of the legislation, say the Ministry, is to ensure operators taking less responsibility for the security, with the entry into force of EU Regulation 178/2002 on "Traceability of products. In the case of adulterated water, for example, will in fact be traced back easily to producers, allowing the recovery of risk consignments and avoiding that responsibility falls on the premises. "The water is by far the most popular drink in Italy - explains the Federation - and it is right that consumers are guaranteed maximum hygiene and safety even in high consumption outside the home. Operators will benefit from this rule: it will gain more prestige offering safe products, in packages elegant and pleasing. " April 8, 2005
Wednesday, April 6, 2005
General Denial Form For Civil Case In Texas
by: PeaceReporter
Africa - 04/05/2005 10:22:00
Wood 'burned' could kill 10 million people
The massive use of wood used as household fuel in sub-Saharan Africa could cause 10 million premature deaths by 2030 and contribute significantly to climate change. The says a study published in the American magazine 'Science' . The survey estimates that if the African families did not adopt cleaner fuels and more efficient, the atmosphere, by 2050, will be released 6.7 billion tons of carbon dioxide. In 2000 houses were consumed in sub-Saharan Africa nearly 470 million tons of wood.
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by: comedonchisciotte
In the first two years The Iraq war has cost about $ 200 billion. According to OPEC data, were pumped from Iraqi wells around 650 million barrels of oil per year (2.4 of them has treated them with Formigoni Tareq Aziz for his loved ones two companies), with a revenue of about $ 30 billion. From an energy standpoint, this oil could provide some 400 terawatt-hours of electricity, introducing 300 million tons of CO2 into the atmosphere.
But the energy burned by the war itself, direct and indirect, is vastly superior to the energy content, even heat, oil and roughly corresponds to CO2 emissions by 2 billion tons .
We face a true environmental catastrophe for maintaining a system of fossil fuels.
do the math:
African hut with a wood fuel:
6.7 million tonnes of CO2 in 45 years
War in Iraq:
2 million tonnes of CO2 in two years
suggestions: adopt clean sources in the huts Afrian!
Tuesday, April 5, 2005
Why Does Your Stomach Drop On Roller Coasters
from our
And the private seigniorage is not it?
Before making this speech should be a short introduction. What I'm about to say will seriously damage the Ministry of Finance, and also ' considered "cheating" state. If you decide to implement NOT what I recommend you not to do so, you will be prosecuted and I obviously do not recommend it. Let me explain simply and in detail what NOT to do.
fraud for what? The fee for the war in Abyssinia ? Kids, do not do it at home! Abyssinia needs you!
The premise and crime ': when diesel engines were designed, there was still the fuel that we now refer to as "diesel". Does not exist because there are no diesel engines, no one (except the good Diesel) with what he had never asked them to walk.
Thus, the first diesel engines were being designed as a fuel from vegetable oils, such as oil seed, soybean oil, sunflower oil, oil mixed seed, and so 'on. It 'just so', those who used to fry at home.
Scam! Horror!
The question ': and the engines of today? The answer ': ditto. The vast majority of diesel engines (I think it might have a problem with the turbo) and 'capable of consuming any of the oils that are used in the kitchen, with the exception of olive oil (you should heat it up first, wait decant the residual and then oxidize some substances while making gurgling air bubbles.
Idea! Perhaps Abu Ghraib directly shove your head and wait for Iraq's oil that makes the air bubbles, then stops just below another.
Pass oxygen bubbles into a liquid fuel that it 's never wise, so if you do not call Enichem surname. Perilous 'hexane and the number of' high, then the bang him feel very far away).
Strange that an Arab villain has never put into practice the idea.
However, the news that Carlino's today and gave 'the following. People, it seems, is beginning to discover the rapeseed oil. Rapeseed oil and 'oliaccio of a m. .. that industries use to fry on a large scale, and has two advantages: first and 'ruining the liver very slowly, and the second' that is cheap. It's cheap in the sense that its wholesale and discount price ranges between 0:45 and 0.65 euros / liter.
And then the Pug is said that many people, "aided by the tam tam on the Internet begins to storm the discount to buy this oil. After that 'sticks it into the engine.
So, internet scam = = terrorism.
Technical problems? The only technical problem and 'the vegetable oil and' slightly more 'dense than others, and therefore could cause problems on power. The ideal would be to start with diesel oil, and then start with the mixed seed oil or canola oil. This means that the best thing to do 'test on your engine which is the maximum percentage of vegetable oil that you can use. Before I add the 10% and Edet how it goes, then 20% and see how it goes, then 40% and see how it goes, and so on.
The thing you have to check and 'how it behaves during ignition. The old diesel engines, non-common-rail, the ones with the glow plugs to be clear, have no problem and we can hunt in the vegetable oil you want. Those common rail instead be checked as I said before, slowly adding more and more percentage 'high vegetable oil.
Would not it be strange if you can you, like most, to wander at 75% - 80%. Oil seeds, canola oil, can cost as much as 0:45 to 0:50 per liter. Diesel ...
That's it, you say? No, it 's not here. Because what the state considers this a scam, that 'a crime. If you, ie, 'legalissimamente buy a quart of canola oil and instead of' fry the stuffed squid into the tank of your diesel to state an offense and are making 'scam, because you are evading the tax that there is' on fuels.
I understand, we're escaping , as in prison!
No matter the fact that the car is YOUR and also the 'oil there is YOU, and then do whatever you want. The state says when it becomes fuel, anything having to pay excise duty. So when I slam, you know, the rest of the pug in the oven, I make a scam because the rest of the pug does not pay the excise duty on fuel for domestic use.
It 's a terrible scam, the state has condemned the way in front of this villainy!
So, what 's the problem? The problem 'that the pug would want to break the news, like I want to give, while the state (which is concerned that people know how to cheat) do not want. And so ', journalists are under threat of termination, for incitement to murder, saying that if this operation is possible, and the transaction is advantageous.
I also do not recommend it highly to ever do such a thing, because without the money of the state excise duties will no longer provide essential services, such as funding for the interactive box and Pay TV Mediaset!
So, I adjusted.
two of us! We are two neo-patriots!
So, with this operation, the diesel you pay by 00:45 to 0.65 euros per liter. As the diesel oil, and as' known, so it costs less than ', then the operation and' disadvantage.
Similarly, rapeseed oil pollution free burn. Polluter because zero because the chemical balance of a plant and 'no, the CO2 in the atmosphere and throw' the same as the plant has absorbed to grow, and the budget for the planet and 'no.
But crystallized work that is freed from this' act of subversion Communist could bring down the GDP, and apologize if it is short.
measurements then show that the sulfur content is almost 'nil, and fine particles are the goal' of diesel oil. Since pollute 'BEAUTIFUL, then of course (in compliance with applicable laws) I have to say that using rapeseed oil and' wrong because it respects the environment, which, as we all know, not 'right thing to do.
Hurrah! Can I buy a share of Kyoto for emitting CO2 breathing?
What's more, the rapeseed oil has a number of hexane slightly (3%) better than the diesel oil, or your engine will last not just 'more', but will 'perform better and burn 'less fuel. And this, as we teach the law, and 'evil, because to say otherwise would be incitement to fraud.
Children: do not try this at home !
The same thing goes for hemp oil, and that 'even better than the previous two. Erratum: the case of fraud against the state, and 'even worse. Dirty less, as we all know that pollute 'BEAUTIFUL, makes it more', and there is no 'need you to list the pitfalls of saving (abominable and filthy practice) and, as if this were not enough, and' a resounding blow in the balls to Siniscalco, the person in Italy whose gonads are more 'dear to us all.
It 's true, because those who do not want to hang on a necklace?
Look: his deep eyes, that look languid and sensual, lively and intelligent expression: how do you plan to upset a "piezz'e'core" like that?
A crime against humanity.
Therefore, I urge you not to bow to these evil practices such as the save (vade retro, Satan!) making money (cover your eyes to your daughters) of rapeseed oil in the tank of your diesel car (which Siniscalco forgive me, I said it!), saving up for more 'to pollute the planet (which we know needs instead of increasing doses of pollution).
The rape seriously harms Siniscalco. Aut min conc. Pretend that there is a rectangle bell black "funeral announcement" around, as in cigarettes.
Why I say this?
I know: you're a terrorist!
I say this not because it is a novelty ', but why is' one of those news that you should not be disseminated, and that the newspapers do not find space. Reason is obvious: count the number of advertising 'for companies that make fuel, and the publication number' of companies that make vegetable oil, and find out why.
also counted the "loans to employees also protested and bad payers migrants in Tanzania lame walk, which will not hurt.
As in the U.S. there is 'a debate about the power of blogs, I'd do a test: to see how it spreads the news (although already' known to many) in spite of the censorship that exists in the press industry, and uses blackmail "I do not do more 'public' to your newspaper if you do not say what I want."
So if you like, and you a blog, copied or linked this article, or say the same things in your own words. [...]
And be complicit in this horrendous scam to the state? Giving up interactive box?
In general, however, as well as rapeseed oil and what are the ideals of hemp, are also fine oil sunflower seeds to different, that of corn. The only discriminatory and 'the cost per liter, which means olive oil, in addition to problems with the density'.
I do not put anything in the car, the Iraqi government pays two full-time for Iraqis and push down any slope, and ecology is served.
course mi associo all'amico Linucs nello sconsigliare vivamente tali esperimenti e sopratutto truffe. Anzi, in tal senso, vorrei conoscere esattamente quali articoli (e di quale codice) vietano queste manovre da piccolo chimico, al fine di rendere più forte il mio dissenso. Chi conosce quale esatta legge vieta di versare liquido nel mio serbatoio, è pregato di comunicarlo, così da dare maggiore ufficialità al nostro allert. Infatti qualcuno potrebbe credere che non esistono leggi che impediscono al libero cittadino di versare qualsivoglia liquido nei propri serbatoi. Magari, e superficialmente, qualcuno potrebbe credere che solo i Distributori sono tenuti a osservare leggi sulla vendita di carburanti e che il cittadino invece potrebbe liberamente mettere liquidi his dangerous choice in the tank of his private car.
Monday, April 4, 2005
How Much A Mechanic Makes In Ontario
by Reuters
Italy, demand increased in March to 18.2 billion from 16.256 billion
Fri April 1, 2005 4:05 PM GMT
ROME (Reuters) - In March, the deficit of the state sector 18.200000000000 amounted to euro compared to a deficit of 16.256 billion a year ago.
was announced by the Treasury stated that the balance has recorded "the first application of the tax reform to pensioners, with the simultaneous recognition arrears on the first two months."
In the month has also seen a recovery of levies by local health, that ended up costing more than the same month last year to more than one billion.
were in decline, he adds, the Treasury, the proceeds from the lottery and consumption of tobacco.
total in the first quarter of 2005 there was a requirement of around 27.300000000000 against a budgeted deficit of 27.439 billion in the first quarter of 2004.
Thursday, March 31, 2005
Making A Carving Bench
Washington, March 31, 2005 21:21
However, the Board argues that "after a very thorough analysis, the Commission found no indication that the intelligence system has distorted the evidence regarding weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. They simply wrong. "Again." The briefings provided daily (President Bush) before the war in Iraq were wrong . Through securities made to attract the attention and repetition of questionable data, these information swelled the argument that Iraq was rebuilding its arsenal of WMD "[ndw: Weapons of Mass Destruction]." Although even the intelligence services of many other countries believed that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, were ultimately the United States to stake their credibility ', making this a story of failures more 'known - and damaging - intelligence in American history. "" The damage done to the credibility' of America by far too publicized defaillance of our intelligence in Iraq will 'take years to be repaired " . The bi-partisan committee of 10 members, chaired by former federal judge Laurence Silberman and former senator Charles Robb, says nothing but 'on any "exaggeration" of intelligence data on Iraq by the Bush administration to support his choice of war: "We were not allowed to investigate how policymakers used the intelligence assessments received by the agencies." CIA Director Porter Gropss and Secretary Defense Donald Rumsfeld welcomed the report, saying he agreed on the necessity 'of profound transformation. ()
Interesting Facts About Paregoric
Rome, 31/03/2005 19:40
After consultation with the allies Italy will begin 'withdrawal of its troops in Iraq. The plan - announced Berlusconi - provides for the return of 300 soldiers. The Prime Minister made his debut on the topic by saying that in recent days "and 'was built, for art, a fake , newspapers hostile." Silvio Berlusconi returns to the words used in its previous participation in 'Eastenders' , on the conclusion of the Italian mission in Iraq. Bruno Vespa review is live recording of that episode: "There was nothing new, this is' a discourse that has' always done. We have trained about 4,000 police officers by the end of August will be ' the field. It thus becomes' unnecessary some part of the Italian troops, which are not employment, but must stay in Iraq until the end of the year. There 'already' a plan - said the prime minister - for about three hundred soldiers in less by the end of September. When we have an agreement with the allies and the Iraqi government and there will be 'a final decision andro' in Parliament. In this way you will not weaken 'the level of security, " concludes the president of the Council. ()
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Simple Shrimp Recipes
After 10 months of negotiations reached an agreement with the Inland Revenue
The club Lotito will have to pay € 140 million over 23 years
Lazio closed the game with tax
Cacciato the specter of bankruptcy
President Lotito cheers and raised: "Now the battle for the new stadium"
ROME - It closes the quarrel between Lazio and the Treasury. The advisory commission for the collection of taxes has in fact expressed their support for the agreement concluded by the club bianconceleste with the Treasury, an agreement that provides for the payment of 140 million € in 23. The news was confirmed by the Inland Revenue. The document was faxed to Lazio, which in turn sent it to the bankruptcy court in Tivoli, before which since early this morning stationed a few hundred fans.
President rejoices. "I am satisfied, is a victory that I dedicate to the fans of Lazio who were close to us" . L ' agreement with the Inland Revenue has been greeted with these words by the club president Claudio Lotito. "It is not over here - he continued - now there's a ' other battle that awaits us and that is the construction of the new stadium that will be useful for fulfill their commitments. "
Ten months of negotiations. Thus ends a story that has long kept athletes faith biancoceleste with bated breath. The negotiations lasted ten months and in fact the company to save Lazio was a race against time. It all began in May 2004 when the then president, the lawyer Ugo Longo, had submitted the request for rescheduling of the entire tax liability of approximately EUR 170 million.
The arrival of
Lotito. A situation then inherited by Claudio Lotito, who took over the presidency of the club on July 19 last year. And only two days later, on July 21, the Inland Revenue had know to wait for an advisory opinion from the competent bodies before we can consider the request made by the club. Lazio had relied on the Decree Law 138 of August 2002, converted into Law 178/02, which provides an opportunity for the Inland Revenue to arrive at a transaction, including the rescheduling of the payment, with the taxpayer insolvent.
The turning point of the State Council. An important page in the long controversy writes on September 28 last year, the Council of State's opinion on the applicability of the decree: the administrative courts in fact say that the application submitted by biancoceleste is permissible. Thus begins pressing the President Lotito on ' Revenue Agency : November 4, the first request for comment after the ok of the State Council.
Ultimatum cross. But it is the beginning of 2005 that led to the decisive and final turning point. "The state must make a choice, or take or not take it no more money" , said the president in early February. The Agency replica Feb. 22, asking the Lazio to integrate with other documents filed the request for transaction. On 7 March the club over new documents and start the final rush to prevent the failure of the club. Lazio sets March 23 deadline to sign the the transaction and avoid carrying books in court.
The League gets across. Meanwhile, the 17, the company advances its proposal to close the game with the tax authorities: total 107 million, including interest and no other charges, deferred over 20 years. The initiative also raises a fuss in the political, with the protest of the League doing battle against a measure to save the Lazio. The dispute, however, seems to fade when the night between 23 and 24 March the agreement was signed between Lazio and the Inland Revenue. The joy of the fans also , lasts only a few hours in the day it comes the cold shower for the request for an opinion on the Bar state. Success
photo finish. At the same time, the Court of Tivoli gives his ultimatum: if by March 29 will not be deposited all official documents of the pact, will start the procedure of bankruptcy of the club. The race against time it was closed this morning at the photo finish: the advisory commission for the collection of taxes puts an end. The Agreement is valid, the transaction can be done. Just in time for racing at Tivoli, twenty minutes after the end , file documents in court and decreed the salvation of the club.
(March 29, 2005)
what a shame! blackmailed for the State, for journalism and indecent for the poor citizens-fans who are still thinking about football and do not realize they are exploited as slaves ignorant