Tuesday, April 5, 2005

Why Does Your Stomach Drop On Roller Coasters

rapeseed oil for diesel engines

from our

And the private seigniorage is not it?

Before making this speech should be a short introduction. What I'm about to say will seriously damage the Ministry of Finance, and also ' considered "cheating" state. If you decide to implement NOT what I recommend you not to do so, you will be prosecuted and I obviously do not recommend it. Let me explain simply and in detail what NOT to do.

fraud for what? The fee for the war in Abyssinia ? Kids, do not do it at home! Abyssinia needs you!

The premise and crime ': when diesel engines were designed, there was still the fuel that we now refer to as "diesel". Does not exist because there are no diesel engines, no one (except the good Diesel) with what he had never asked them to walk.

Thus, the first diesel engines were being designed as a fuel from vegetable oils, such as oil seed, soybean oil, sunflower oil, oil mixed seed, and so 'on. It 'just so', those who used to fry at home.

Scam! Horror!

The question ': and the engines of today? The answer ': ditto. The vast majority of diesel engines (I think it might have a problem with the turbo) and 'capable of consuming any of the oils that are used in the kitchen, with the exception of olive oil (you should heat it up first, wait decant the residual and then oxidize some substances while making gurgling air bubbles.

Idea! Perhaps Abu Ghraib directly shove your head and wait for Iraq's oil that makes the air bubbles, then stops just below another.

Pass oxygen bubbles into a liquid fuel that it 's never wise, so if you do not call Enichem surname. Perilous 'hexane and the number of' high, then the bang him feel very far away).

Strange that an Arab villain has never put into practice the idea.

However, the news that Carlino's today and gave 'the following. People, it seems, is beginning to discover the rapeseed oil. Rapeseed oil and 'oliaccio of a m. .. that industries use to fry on a large scale, and has two advantages: first and 'ruining the liver very slowly, and the second' that is cheap. It's cheap in the sense that its wholesale and discount price ranges between 0:45 and 0.65 euros / liter.

And then the Pug is said that many people, "aided by the tam tam on the Internet begins to storm the discount to buy this oil. After that 'sticks it into the engine.

So, internet scam = = terrorism.

Technical problems? The only technical problem and 'the vegetable oil and' slightly more 'dense than others, and therefore could cause problems on power. The ideal would be to start with diesel oil, and then start with the mixed seed oil or canola oil. This means that the best thing to do 'test on your engine which is the maximum percentage of vegetable oil that you can use. Before I add the 10% and Edet how it goes, then 20% and see how it goes, then 40% and see how it goes, and so on.

The thing you have to check and 'how it behaves during ignition. The old diesel engines, non-common-rail, the ones with the glow plugs to be clear, have no problem and we can hunt in the vegetable oil you want. Those common rail instead be checked as I said before, slowly adding more and more percentage 'high vegetable oil.

Would not it be strange if you can you, like most, to wander at 75% - 80%. Oil seeds, canola oil, can cost as much as 0:45 to 0:50 per liter. Diesel ...


That's it, you say? No, it 's not here. Because what the state considers this a scam, that 'a crime. If you, ie, 'legalissimamente buy a quart of canola oil and instead of' fry the stuffed squid into the tank of your diesel to state an offense and are making 'scam, because you are evading the tax that there is' on fuels.

I understand, we're escaping , as in prison!

No matter the fact that the car is YOUR and also the 'oil there is YOU, and then do whatever you want. The state says when it becomes fuel, anything having to pay excise duty. So when I slam, you know, the rest of the pug in the oven, I make a scam because the rest of the pug does not pay the excise duty on fuel for domestic use.

It 's a terrible scam, the state has condemned the way in front of this villainy!

So, what 's the problem? The problem 'that the pug would want to break the news, like I want to give, while the state (which is concerned that people know how to cheat) do not want. And so ', journalists are under threat of termination, for incitement to murder, saying that if this operation is possible, and the transaction is advantageous.

I also do not recommend it highly to ever do such a thing, because without the money of the state excise duties will no longer provide essential services, such as funding for the interactive box and Pay TV Mediaset!

So, I adjusted.

two of us! We are two neo-patriots!

So, with this operation, the diesel you pay by 00:45 to 0.65 euros per liter. As the diesel oil, and as' known, so it costs less than ', then the operation and' disadvantage.

Similarly, rapeseed oil pollution free burn. Polluter because zero because the chemical balance of a plant and 'no, the CO2 in the atmosphere and throw' the same as the plant has absorbed to grow, and the budget for the planet and 'no.

But crystallized work that is freed from this' act of subversion Communist could bring down the GDP, and apologize if it is short.

measurements then show that the sulfur content is almost 'nil, and fine particles are the goal' of diesel oil. Since pollute 'BEAUTIFUL, then of course (in compliance with applicable laws) I have to say that using rapeseed oil and' wrong because it respects the environment, which, as we all know, not 'right thing to do.

Hurrah! Can I buy a share of Kyoto for emitting CO2 breathing?

What's more, the rapeseed oil has a number of hexane slightly (3%) better than the diesel oil, or your engine will last not just 'more', but will 'perform better and burn 'less fuel. And this, as we teach the law, and 'evil, because to say otherwise would be incitement to fraud.

Children: do not try this at home !

The same thing goes for hemp oil, and that 'even better than the previous two. Erratum: the case of fraud against the state, and 'even worse. Dirty less, as we all know that pollute 'BEAUTIFUL, makes it more', and there is no 'need you to list the pitfalls of saving (abominable and filthy practice) and, as if this were not enough, and' a resounding blow in the balls to Siniscalco, the person in Italy whose gonads are more 'dear to us all.

It 's true, because those who do not want to hang on a necklace?

Look: his deep eyes, that look languid and sensual, lively and intelligent expression: how do you plan to upset a "piezz'e'core" like that?

A crime against humanity.

Therefore, I urge you not to bow to these evil practices such as the save (vade retro, Satan!) making money (cover your eyes to your daughters) of rapeseed oil in the tank of your diesel car (which Siniscalco forgive me, I said it!), saving up for more 'to pollute the planet (which we know needs instead of increasing doses of pollution).

The rape seriously harms Siniscalco. Aut min conc. Pretend that there is a rectangle bell black "funeral announcement" around, as in cigarettes.

Why I say this?

I know: you're a terrorist!

I say this not because it is a novelty ', but why is' one of those news that you should not be disseminated, and that the newspapers do not find space. Reason is obvious: count the number of advertising 'for companies that make fuel, and the publication number' of companies that make vegetable oil, and find out why.

also counted the "loans to employees also protested and bad payers migrants in Tanzania lame walk, which will not hurt.

As in the U.S. there is 'a debate about the power of blogs, I'd do a test: to see how it spreads the news (although already' known to many) in spite of the censorship that exists in the press industry, and uses blackmail "I do not do more 'public' to your newspaper if you do not say what I want."

So if you like, and you a blog, copied or linked this article, or say the same things in your own words. [...]

And be complicit in this horrendous scam to the state? Giving up interactive box?

In general, however, as well as rapeseed oil and what are the ideals of hemp, are also fine oil sunflower seeds to different, that of corn. The only discriminatory and 'the cost per liter, which means olive oil, in addition to problems with the density'.

I do not put anything in the car, the Iraqi government pays two full-time for Iraqis and push down any slope, and ecology is served.

course mi associo all'amico Linucs nello sconsigliare vivamente tali esperimenti e sopratutto truffe. Anzi, in tal senso, vorrei conoscere esattamente quali articoli (e di quale codice) vietano queste manovre da piccolo chimico, al fine di rendere più forte il mio dissenso. Chi conosce quale esatta legge vieta di versare liquido nel mio serbatoio, è pregato di comunicarlo, così da dare maggiore ufficialità al nostro allert. Infatti qualcuno potrebbe credere che non esistono leggi che impediscono al libero cittadino di versare qualsivoglia liquido nei propri serbatoi. Magari, e superficialmente, qualcuno potrebbe credere che solo i Distributori sono tenuti a osservare leggi sulla vendita di carburanti e che il cittadino invece potrebbe liberamente mettere liquidi his dangerous choice in the tank of his private car.


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