Calipari and Sgrena American Mathematical
by A Math Lesson
News a few days ago:
"According to press reports, the U.S. soldiers were acquitted of misconduct in the shooting that involved an Italian journalist and a secret agent last month in Baghdad.
<< L'auto era a circa 120 metri dal posto di blocco quando i soldati fecero dei segnali luminosi per intimare l'alt. Spararono poi dei colpi di avvertimento quando l'auto arrivò a 80 metri dal posto di blocco, ma quando giunse a 60 metri spararono per colpire. Calipari fu ucciso e la Sgrena ferita. >>
Sgrena told CBS that the car proceeded at a speed of about 48 km / h. At 48 miles an hour the vehicle travels 13.65 meters in one second. Thus, according to the U.S. Army, the soldiers fired warning shots 2.7 seconds after the light signals, and used "brute force" 2.3 seconds later. Therefore, if the reconstruction of the American military authorities is correct and if the car was traveling really "high speed", to be generous to assume only 72 km per hour, this means that covered 20 yards in a second, implying a , 8 seconds between the light signals and warning shots and 1.6 seconds between warning shots and deadly blows.
There are variables to consider, but the typical times perception + reaction are in the order of 1.5 seconds, which is the time elapsing between the perception of the problem (such as a signal of danger) and the action to move the foot on the brake. This means that, using the version of the military, shot himself in the vehicle less than 0.3 seconds after the start of any possible slowdown, even assuming that the vehicle's occupants were on alert and had understood immediately that the flashing lights accounted for a stop sign.
However they are still over-estimated 0.3 seconds, as the guards, trying to figure out if the car was responding to their stop signs have their reaction times, so in facts they have pulled the trigger even before they had the chance to see if the car was actually slowing down. And likewise, although the assumption that the so-called warning shots had any use, once again the fatal shots were fired long before those warning of the possibility of sorting had any effect.
And on this basis, the military are "autoassolti" accusation of misconduct.
translation: Shark
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