Sunday, April 10, 2005

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War in Bosnia: lie, lie and lie again

by comedonchisciotte

["Yes, Kouchner lied": some notes by Michel Collon retrace steps of the construction of strategic disinformation on Yugoslavia. Disinformation essential to complete the dismemberment of the country, in the interest of rogue European and U.S. imperialism. A brief look at the war in Bosnia up to the regime of apartheid that Kouchner in Kosovo, first by the colonial administration responsible for the UN in the area, has actively contributed to the realization ... ]

Michel Collon (Translated by Curzio Bettio Relief Popolare di Padova)

The co-author of one of the worst media lies (mediamenzogne) of the nineties began to admit. Instructive for the future, as the tricks of manipulation are always the same ...

Flash-back. Summer 1992, the war in Bosnia. Bernard Kouchner and his "Doctors of the World" spread in the press and a poster on the walls of Paris advertising, expensive and impressive. The montage featured the "prisoners" of Serbian concentration camps in Bosnia. Behind barbed wire fences. Kouchner accompanying the image with a control tower at Auschwitz. The caption accused the Serbs of "mass executions." Information or poisoning? Intoxication, poisoning news, Kouchner admitted twelve years later.
His recent book self, "Warriors of Peace", contains an interview with Izetbegovic (the Muslim nationalist leader in power at the time of Sarajevo), on his deathbed:
Kouchner: They were horrible places, but not systematic mass murder took place there. Did you know you? Izetbegovic: No. The statement of mass destruction was false. There were no extermination camps, whatever the horror of the posts. I thought that my revelations could accelerate the bombing.

Indeed, this media lie did lean towards the public opinion towards support for the bombing. All the Western press had spread the lie in a massive way. But the recent denial is passed over in silence. The public can not learn that he had been duped! The half-confession of Kouchner and the silence of the media pose critical questions: First question

: Kouchner knew long before that it was a lie?
Answer: Yes Since 1993, a journalist for France 2, Jacques Merlino, revealed the deception in a book with an eloquent title "All truths are not good to be said." There was a reported interview with the director of Ruder Finn, U.S. public relations agency, which is very proud, he admitted he had assembled all the elements of the campaign for the "killing fields":
"We tricked (sic ) also three large Jewish organizations: B'nai B'rith, American Jewish Committee and American Jewish Congress. Immediately, we were able to match the public the Serbs with the Nazis. The practice was complex, no knew what was happening in Yugoslavia, but in one fell swoop, we could present a situation with good and evil. "
" mind, "notes the journalist!
Answer: "We are professionals. We are not paid to do with morality. "
So Kouchner knew all a long time and now is not really nice to put all the blame on the shoulders of the dead.

Second question: The media have covered up evidence of deception?
Answer: Yes A German journalist Thomas Deichman, who since 1994 had shown the picture with the barbed wire was rigged, that the "prisoners" is not were just locked up. In fact, a report was taken from ITN, where "prisoners" claiming to be treated well, but the ITN journalist had cut these statements!
can be found in the manifesto of Kouchner's comments Deichmann, and our condemnation of tricks in my book "Poker Menteur." Dated 1998.
So it was not necessary to wait until today to provide a disclaimer:

In a reportage-video "Under the Bombs NATO "(1999), we have also presented images shot by a local television that showed all the falsity of the report ITN.

Third question: Kouchner was protected himself from the "critical media"?
Answer: Yes An example: Daniel Schneidermann ("Judgments sur images", France 5) had contacted us on this issue, we then excluded from the debate as not to damage Kouchner.
There was more interrogation about his media lies about Kosovo and its catastrophic budget plan for this province. We have well said, media lies and mistakes. His career project, which aims to place UN Secretary General makes him do everything to encourage the U.S..

Fourth question: Why should I lodge my story ' simple ", but false?
Answer: To hide the responsibility of the great Western powers in this conflict.
After 1979, the German section of the CIA supported the extremists to do, breaking up Yugoslavia.
In 1989, the IMF imposed neo-liberal pressure to eliminate the self-management and workers' rights, causing the crisis, and nationalism.
In 1991, Germany, before the war, had armed the Croats and Muslim extremists.
Since 1992 to 1995, the U.S. has deliberately prolonged the conflict, as evidenced by the special envoy in Bosnia, Lord Owen.
All of these maneuvers, for what interests? Delete a social system left too, but mainly to control the strategic oil routes and the Balkans. Fifth question: It is to deny all the crimes committed?
Answer: Absolutely not, but when our rulers are trying to drag us through a propaganda war in a situation of "good against evil ', it is important to remind them of their vested interests. And their falsification of information. For example, treating prisoners of camps in Bosnia, the UN had registered six Croats, two Serbs and a Muslim. And it was rather to the concentration camps with a view to trade, not death camps. But the nationalist Croats and Muslims were "our" allies, or "our" agents, and then Kouchner, Bernard-Henri Lévy and other guests standing in the media have falsely them whitewashed, cleansed of sins.
We would like to see brought to justice all the war criminals of all factions in the camp. But this does not apply to the courts bin, put up by the victors' justice, in which the U.S. and NATO have set office above the law, and even far outside the law, because they are violating the Charter of 'UN to all and sundry.

sixth question: Are there other media lies of this war, "that have been successful"?
Answer: Yes. Just one example. When NATO began bombing Yugoslavia in 1999, it was stated that it was a reaction to what NATO described as a "massacre of 40 civilians" by the Yugoslav army, in Racak, a village in Kosovo. Belgrade instead spoke of a fight between two armed groups, led by the separatist Albanian forces.
The UN had ordered a report to a committee of medical experts led by a Finnish doctor, Mrs. Ranta. This confirmed the view of Belgrade. But no media outlet has spoken! The media lie to the general public remains intact.
Why? Why the media lies Kouchner, Bernard-Henri Levy and others have allowed the division of the left and prevented the opposition to an unjust war in reality.
Public opinion, this should be handled! And the next time you restart again.

These issues will soon be the subject of debate in Belgium and in France five years after the NATO intervention in Kosovo, that budget can be drawn? What is today the fate of ethnic minorities? What are the real stakes geopolitical and the U.S. role in these conflicts? Michel Collon


translation of Curtius Bettio Relief Popolare di Padova

For books "Liars' Poker" and "Monopoly" (in English): To ask the Film "The Damned of Kosovo" (in English) and "Under the Bombs NATO "(in French): ask @ nessa.kovic


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