Burning wood kill 10 million Africans in 25 years
by: PeaceReporter
Africa - 04/05/2005 10:22:00
Wood 'burned' could kill 10 million people
The massive use of wood used as household fuel in sub-Saharan Africa could cause 10 million premature deaths by 2030 and contribute significantly to climate change. The says a study published in the American magazine 'Science' . The survey estimates that if the African families did not adopt cleaner fuels and more efficient, the atmosphere, by 2050, will be released 6.7 billion tons of carbon dioxide. In 2000 houses were consumed in sub-Saharan Africa nearly 470 million tons of wood.
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by: comedonchisciotte
In the first two years The Iraq war has cost about $ 200 billion. According to OPEC data, were pumped from Iraqi wells around 650 million barrels of oil per year (2.4 of them has treated them with Formigoni Tareq Aziz for his loved ones two companies), with a revenue of about $ 30 billion. From an energy standpoint, this oil could provide some 400 terawatt-hours of electricity, introducing 300 million tons of CO2 into the atmosphere.
But the energy burned by the war itself, direct and indirect, is vastly superior to the energy content, even heat, oil and roughly corresponds to CO2 emissions by 2 billion tons .
We face a true environmental catastrophe for maintaining a system of fossil fuels.
do the math:
African hut with a wood fuel:
6.7 million tonnes of CO2 in 45 years
War in Iraq:
2 million tonnes of CO2 in two years
suggestions: adopt clean sources in the huts Afrian!
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