Friday, January 21, 2011

How To Put Penius In Underwear

Berlusconi and the sexual factor: Italian politics and the absence of criticism. Urbina and Bongiorno

La Repubblica today, two interesting articles on the role of women in society and the connection between prostitution and politics:

Premier and the sexual factor , Nadia Urbinati

Citing evangelical maxim "he who is without sin ..." the President of the Lombardy Region, Roberto Formigoni said that "what is coming out [about the Prime Minister] is not something comforting, but it is to accompany the melancholy of what is coming out also considering the fact that the right to be respected someone's privacy. " This repeats a pattern popular topic - the moral and religious that is repeated every time Silvio Berlusconi has to deal with the effects of his private life public. But this argument is absolutely no place in political debate and the more rhetorical, did more to justify the President of the Council to give an account of what is happening in our country.
As we read these days about the private habits of the premier coincides with when Veronica Lario had once said about her husband's condition and should be the basis for reflection that is by no means a moral or spiritual, but instead to do with the same competence of the Prime Minister to carry out its functions. In this view you can get if you take into account studies on emotions in politics, an increasingly important area of \u200b\u200bresearch and scientific facilities. The emotions were
fisiopsicologici that students include one of the "visceral factors" behavioral factors that reason makes some effort to dominate, so that they need to rely on strategies as substitutes or support. The behavioral scientists include such "visceral factors" in the general category of the physiological, such as hunger, thirst and the need to evacuate, sexual desire is one of them. And like the others, it can cause compulsive behaviors that are an obstacle to decision because in their extreme forms strongly interfere with rational behavior and its rules. For this reason, we put strategies in the field as substitutes, such as when it is suggested that such conflicts or the mediators of the negotiators not to drink coffee before work because they need to take a diuretic because it may interfere with the action and distract the rational ' agent to point him to fail his task. The same is done with students who present themselves for a contest when you suggest them to refrain from eating or drinking certain substances before the exam to avoid having to deal with needs not be controlled at an inconvenient time. The sex factor is not a controlled "Visceral factors" of this type - the culture, or moral education and conduct practical work on humans from an early age just to make them able to regulate these emotions. The question is not so moralistic, but functional and practical: the aim of education should aim at the emotions of individuals do people capable of managing themselves in relationship with others and be effective collective agents.
This is the case that the Italians today, a case linked to the abnormal sexual life of their prime minister, against which public actors, from politicians to average citizens the same, that should not make judgments of effectiveness, relevance and competence. A person who feel acutely the need to eat, hungry, it's probably not a good politician, not because it calls into question his cognitive disability - it is probably rather a person with great potential - but for his reliance on factual and objective factors that are beyond its control and urgent. Satisfy your appetite for the hungry is the first and most pressing need: everything else comes after. Thus, a person who organizes his working life in terms of a relaxation after work sex of the kind which our prime minister is dedicated to the systematic study, it is best suited to deal with affairs of state, because the other has head more and urge him not merely distracts from his civil service, but the interest to make its public function efficiently and directly under his control forever, not just a few hours of the day. The politician, especially when it occupies positions of responsibility as high as that of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers is not a political actor only a few hours of his day, but twenty-four hours as more and more available even in the event responsible for any exception that can happen a community and in which he has to make decisions. For this reason, even after work to relax, and certainly very human need, can never be a total after-work with total relaxation.
Emotions are therefore a fact of which you can not ignore, especially when they relate to functions that are not easily rationalized. Their compulsive or extreme forms not only affect cognition, but in many cases held in check. Michael Liebowitz argued that "the alchemy of love" - \u200b\u200bthat of sexual desire - is similar to that produced by amphetamines as it reduces attention has acute effects on the world's awareness and perceptions of reality and may even affect other emotions fisiopsicologiche like hunger and thirst. Moreover, it has effects that last several hours predictably putting the person in an objective condition of cognitive and practical difficulties. Who among us would entrust their interests to a person who has this kind of emotion? The question that faces our country is clear from this type of application, and it is a matter of functional incompetence, not so much of sin, venial or mortal be.


women trampled We can not but speak , Giulia Bongiorno

Dear Editor, when conducting an investigation concerning a public figure, the inevitable amplification media that follows is insidious. Usually, the items disclosed are only those collected by prosecutors. Therefore end up award chrism parziali.E thesis of truth to the idea that it is public opinion can be altered. As a lawyer, so I feel obliged to point out that the investigation into Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi should not be an exception: before making judgments on the merits of the allegations made against him by the prosecution, we must no doubt await the developments of the proceedings. Given this premise, but I hasten to add that I am not agree with those who use this argument as a weapon to crush any type of critical reflection: I have indeed heard these days rely on the presumption of innocence in order to silence those who challenged not consummation of the offense but emerged historical facts objectively, without which no process will never erase.
Ultimately, if an order is first necessary to wait for clarification on the existence of certain crimes, one can not ignore what has emerged that not everything these days is "awaiting trial": the context in which the objective would be ripe procedural events did not suddenly pierced a veil and showed a totally new and unexpected profile of the premier.
In the classrooms of Milan, Silvio Berlusconi will discuss whether or not to have consumed the crime of child prostitution and extortion, but was not necessarily the events underlying these claims - or a sentence - to know his views on women. Opinion that, if not criminal law, however, has huge political importance. An opinion expressed by himself unequivocally with jokes, jokes, public and private talks. An opinion that has emerged already through the declarations of Veronica Lario, the most recent of Barbara Berlusconi (two very credible witnesses), the story of Letizia and Patrick D'Addario, and by the singular issue for some women, perhaps first entered the lists of nominations for the 2009 European and then from that list definitely missing. What Silvio Berlusconi appears to be fully appreciated in the female gender is the beauty, to the point of overshadowing requirements of very different thickness (I think remained in the memory of all the crudeness of the measure to Mrs Rosy Bindi), even better, then, if a physical appearance of a certain type is accompanied by a young age, compliance and willingness to abdicate their critical spirit.
face of all this, I felt it would be argued that issues of privacy and therefore prime minister - for that very reason - should cover only him and his conscience.
No, it does not.
There is no room to support it: the style and philosophy of life of a man who holds the office of President of the Council can not fail to affect public life. This is demonstrated by the fact that Berlusconi, with his words and behavior, has inflicted a wound to all Italian women: women who study and work (often feeling inadequate salaries or, as in the case of housewives, viewed not at all), all of us who find it hard one day after ' another, women who achieve positions of importance not only to certain parties did not go there, but rather had to give up seeing friends, to those who, instead of looking for shortcuts, have traveled with dignity the way of commitment and sacrifice . And for those that have been asked, more or less explicitly, to choose between privacy and public life, for a reconciliation with his son's success would be too difficult with the result that waived their right to motherhood, or that we have come far beyond the time when they wanted.
Each of them - when women are chosen and "rewarded" by not to merit but to something else with the professionalism, commitment, intelligence has little or nothing to do - was poured upon the futility of his sacrifice.
Burn, this wound. Burns also did not escape because they are really in a lot of stress, perhaps even with a hint of envy, luck and charm of a mature man who more or less surrounded by handsome young contending his favors, ready for anything just to please him. Although, in a macho country like ours, the complicity between men crowd but not surprising.
But it is not only a wound inflicted on the dignity of women, there's more, never the battles of the President of the Council have coincided with the struggles of women. It is sufficient to recall that in the lists of priorities of this government, that are gradually pitted, figure of all - first of all, battles against judges "communist" - but never, never, battles for women. As if women did not have real problems and can not be postponed. As it can be assumed that the laws to combat pm "politicized" are more urgent than they should be meet the needs of all of us?
Then cover with the excuse of confidentiality of investigations, or the fragile shield of privacy, what is not secret, nor confidential.
But it is women who first have to be strong for their dignity and awareness of their value - regardless of age, political belief, geographical location - in a loud voice to express the anger that inspires this mentality, I'm sure, in the vast most of us.
If they believe the men also continue to admire and support Silvio Berlusconi, the women, please, no.


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