In South Africa, 2010 ended with a total of 333 rhinos killed by poachers, were 122 in 2009. 146 rhinos were killed in the Kruger National Park alone, in the northeast, where poachers are likely to be introduced from neighboring Zimbabwe and Mozambique, taking advantage of a more lax supervision. Almost all were southern white rhinos (Ceratotherium simum simum ), a species considered most at risk, but also have lost 10 copies of Diceros bicornis, black rhinoceros (photo), very high risk of extinction.
The budget year is completed with five poachers killed and seven arrested, but the rate of reproduction is not comparable between the two groups in conflict.
The reason for this escalation in the number almost tripled in one year, mainly of animals killed illegally is that poachers are equipped with increasingly advanced technologies: a helicopter ride parks in the hours of darkness, using infrared goggles Night vision, shoot with the latest and most powerful guns in existence today, land, cut off the horn of the killed, and fly away before the Rangers have any chance to intervene.
But how is it that poachers can be taken as tools sophisticated in committing their crimes? It 'easy to understand: the trade in rhino horn is banned worldwide, but the demand is so strong that, on the black market, every single piece has reached a value that is estimated in the range of $ 70,000. These figures make it possible investments in frightening poaching.
And finally, the one and only reason why the market values \u200b\u200bare so high and demand so strong, is that the rhino horn is still considered an important drug in traditional medicine in Asia.
So, the only engine that keeps you going all this butchery, with criminals who were fitted with helicopters and instruments worthy of a war, and all this mass of money is essentially a superstition.
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