Inside the loft, met the executives of the Grand Opposition Party. The faces were drawn, the time was crucial milestones important inexorably approaching. The next board meetings would have had to decide the topics for discussion to bring the National Congress: it was on the table the proposal innovative and disruptive to change its name to the Party, to better characterize the eyes of voters, but there was great uncertainty on the solution adopt: "Moderate Democrats" was the most quoted, but most of the executives seemed too outrageous and unbalanced, and the alternative proposals seemed unconvincing, from "Very Moderate Democrats" to "Forward Italy, but with Judgement" to "Moderate Party for the Preservation and the cautious reformism" to "Stay Calm Italy," and so forth ; a hard diplomatic work of the Great Weaver from the various schools of thought could develop a compromise that pleases no one, but displeased that no "moderate Democrats Far more moderate so you can not" (DMMMCPMCNP ).
Outside the loft, on the streets and squares, ocean parades of students marched from the crowd applauded, to demand access to knowledge for everyone, and not limited by wealth.
Inside the loft, the leaders of Great opposition parties quarreled about the new symbol worn oaks, daisies, trees, carnations, orchids and hydrangeas, to find a compromise solution that does not appear too unconventional and that would not upset anyone, The Great Weaver had to resort to a treaty of Systematic Botany to locate the Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosum ) as appropriate icon to seduce the electorate.
Outside the loft, the factories closed and the workers, principals, climbed on the roofs, and their solidarity with the crowd. The whole country was now aware that the idol of the Free Market, which had been worshiped as the totem of the new religion, was a trap, which only served to put the world's poor, not business, in competition with each other.
Inside the loft, the directors of the Grand Opposition Party studying polls and trends, and the Grand Opposition Party was still inevitably down from time immemorial, but the leaders were counting on their ability to weave alliances. The aims were, as always aimed primarily at Catto-Catholics, but we must not upset the moderate secular movement, without failing in its pact with moderates for moderation, and this entire network of strategic alliances should not however prevent the reunification tactics of the Party merged with the fugitives by a party group Centre moderately moderate Future, and the other in Moderately Reformists.
Outside the loft, foreign workers being exploited and cheated by unfair laws that prevented them from obtaining documents if they did not work, and if they did not have work papers, demanded dignity, they also finally found the solidarity of the people, except for some illiterate with a green tie.
Inside the loft, the debate was raging. The Secretary proposed to give priority in the long term, the unification of all forces of moderation and reform, and reduce the scope tactical alliance with the bad-Catholics as part of a framework agreement that could involve other forces ... "We have a plan?" Quote Trillò happy Rosa. The theoretician of reform presented a proposal for religion classes mandatory in all university curricula, perhaps by cutting less essential subjects like mathematics, in order to produce a platform of understanding with the bad-Catholics.
Outside the loft, the law required it to privatize the drinking water had mobilized millions of people who had rushed to sign the recall referendum, knowing that a vital common good can not be reduced to a commodity subject to pursuit of profit. Also grew the movement for land conservation, inexorably consumed by a cement increasingly wild and more unnecessary, given the stagnation of the population.
Days passed, weeks and months.
Inside the loft, the meetings followed one another and the Grand Opposition Party to focus on the basic themes of the forthcoming electoral campaign topics needed to attract the attention of the masses and slogans to the effect that might seem like kind of proposals. The Mayor stressed the importance of upholding the law on the privatization of drinking water, because there were a lot of money at stake for the former municipal company spent hours in the hands of friends of friends.
Outside the loft, increasing and spreading the knowledge that a market economy based on waste and the continuous increase in consumption was no longer (never been) sustainable, and that the planet on which we live can not afford it. They needed a whole new economic model, based on the planning of the use of available resources to produce only what is essential, and give up unnecessary. Almost the whole world now knew that the era of blind liberalism was over, and that the "invisible hand" of Adam Smith was a false myth of the nineteenth century Victorian.
Inside the loft, projects and proposals of the Grand Opposition Party took shape: - income support measures to boost consumption, more free enterprise, more flexible labor relations; less state, more market - ruled the economic managers. Everyone applauded the slogan highly innovative: we must give new impetus to economic liberalism. - Measures to support the building, to allow municipalities to recover resources, we encourage new development. - Head of the proposed Local Authorities.
Outside the loft, students, workers, intellectuals, immigrants, retirees, temporary workers had joined forces and now they all show together: filled every street and every square, it was all over the country in block foam and boiled in a storm of liberation : claiming a future project, a company with low power consumption, based on the use aware of the resources outside the logical profit, with a fair distribution of essential goods and services. A world where, if goods could move freely, were able to move freely even people, were able to move freely and, above all the rights and protections, because the poor of the earth were not forced to get in competition with each other to offer their arms at the lowest price. Elementary bodies.
Inside the loft, the Grand Opposition Party to complete its plans to meet with the favor of their own people: - We must not forget to focus on the problem of security is closely tied to immigration: We need more repressive. - Established the ExDemocristiano. While gossip wars just and democratic, the trumpet, which follow the discussion by sitting on the sidelines, casually tossed out the window the eye.
"What's out there?"
"Mah .. do not know. Disorders. I do not understand."
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