Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sample Franchisee Proposals

this speech 23 / 1 Bologna: because I go ...

reported what I write here on these primary Bolognese: I think I'm going to vote for these candidates is not very high thickness I they estimate that my role as a citizen is important: where no winning horse (not to say the Lord's anointed), perhaps the real politics can win ...

"less optimistic than others, and certainly more confused on the name to choose, I think I'm sure at least that I'm going to vote in Primary tomorrow. Perhaps one reason for which I think plausible: I strongly believe that the establishment of the primaries as a way to give opportunity to the electorate to choose a candidate within a list, makes a great test of democracy, then maybe you do not give the certainty of electoral victory, however, makes voters more active, reducing the likelihood of anti-politics so fashionable today, more participatory and more fussy costumes against the policy.

also vote because now more than ever it seems to me to choose between the lesser evil, I will be clear: I believe that none of the three can be held for the mayor of Bologna, because they are not politically equipped to hold the position of mayor and, for this, I think they need the support and interest of citizens. Do not vote would amount to leave them alone with their shortcomings, and I do not want this to happen: I want I can give credit for my participation in elections. I want you to know they are not alone, despite everything, because the policy as the city administration is entrusted to the "political", but it is in the hands of those with which citizens must work together. Surely I will not vote
Zacchiroli, because it emphasized the communicative strategies that, nowadays, for me, have an inkling of drifts dangerously populist. For the rest it seems to me Merola the most suitable for the office of mayor (certainly more than Cevenini Frascaroli !!!), but I thought that was very interested in the various urban realities.
The doubts are there, and there are many, the difficulty of choice will be bigger than ever. But I feel positive, that far from the great personalities of the past, we can aspire to a draft policy, but for this more vivid and closer to Bologna. Perhaps three will make a political brain, but I think by this report (which, unlike the recent primary, I find more collaborative), the mayor's brain can work well!

course, there will be some of the Bologna imaginative poets, will be a city more real, and with everyone's attention, the better ...


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